Recent content by Honkridge

  1. Honkridge

    Today's Practice Setup

    I practice thru a Tech 21 Plexi fly rig into a floor monitor or studio monitors. Maybe throw a drive pedal in front of it.
  2. Honkridge

    You can only buy Three…..

    81...Joan Jett, Styx, Foreigner 82,,,Priest, Clash and either Prince or Maiden. But honestly I was a Jazz Snob in the early 80's. North Texas and all that....
  3. Honkridge

    Achtung! You're going to be seeing a lot less of smurfco these days...

    Pretty soon you can post shirtless
  4. Honkridge

    What to do in Vegas?

    Ask De Niro where he gets balls big enough
  5. Honkridge

    Electronic Press Kringe

    We're not worthy!!!
  6. Honkridge

    Snow Squall Last Night

    Very pretty. I'm getting to the age where snow is sucking though...:embarrassed:
  7. Honkridge

    I have become baimun, destroyer of worlds

    Saint Yamaha! Nice!
  8. Honkridge

    Question: Here we have five red guitars

    Bigsbys sound great but suck so...I'd take the Super 400 just to flip it. Not really into the offsets either. Pretty guitars though.
  9. Honkridge

    I have become baimun, destroyer of worlds

    Well? WTF is it???
  10. Honkridge

    Question: Question: "Oh my God, a defect!" When's the last time you got a product or item and after a period of time from instant to a few days you found a flaw

    I thought it but I didn't say it. So I think that's a bit of a grey area as far as your question goes.
  11. Honkridge

    Poop Email

  12. Honkridge

    Question: Seriously, why are Rics so expensive?

    Well to be fair 330s can be had used for 1500 or a bit more but 360s?!? 3k and up...I don't get it.
  13. Honkridge

    Question: Seriously, why are Rics so expensive?

    They sound great and they fill a niche that only they can. But they don't play great. For the most part they don't use exotic or rare wood. From what I see they don't look like they require a complicated build process. Would they sell more of them if they were cheaper? Are they pricey...
  14. Honkridge

    Dig it! So I got over my moral qualms and went back to the pawn shop and got this for $35...

    HNPD! You are a bad person. You tried to address the situation as best you could and failed. It is your job to police the counterfeit guitar market.
  15. Honkridge

    I Might Like You Better If We Slept Together

    Like uhhh....biblically?