Poop Email


I have the box
Back a while I cried about getting spam after an iphone update. It continued and so I unsubscride go in an block the sender and delete.

In my iphone settings I have on send blocked to trash folder. I still get them in my in box and it notes this was sent from a sender you have blocked. lol.
I need to block our male dog from eating our cats poop. He leaves the bedroom when the wife and I get amorous. I heard a funny noise a few nights back, and it wasn't coming from the lil woman. I rushed to the cat area, and caught the pooch rooting through the litter box.

Anyhow, I know I'm not the only one here who is going to have their significant other fake an orgasm so they can catch their dog red-pawed, snout deep in the cat box.

Poop sleuth.
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