Dig it! So I got over my moral qualms and went back to the pawn shop and got this for $35...


Meatus McPrepuce
I want to say that I am a better person, but my love of deals overcame my ethical dilemma about that fake Gibson and I found myself back in the pawnshop today. They had a boss CH1 super chorus that had been in there for a long time, and was now marked down to $35. I've seen it in there at that price a few times, and this time I was like well if nobody else is gonna take it for 35 bucks I guess I will. it was pretty beat up with some rust on the case, but I figure these boss pedals are pretty indestructible so I took a chance

I got home and cleaned it up and did some googling, and apparently the blue label on the bottom means it is an earlier analog model, not a later digital one like I assumed. It sounds great! No noises or crackles or anything.


by the way, that Gibson was gone. I don't know if they sold it or just took it down. I was too afraid to ask.

You are a good person.
You tried to address the situation as best you could.
It’s not your job to police the counterfeit guitar market.

You are a bad person.
You tried to address the situation as best you could and failed.
It is your job to police the counterfeit guitar market.
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