Today's Practice Setup

Guitars go into a Dimehead Nam Player then into the guitar port on an elderly PockRock, The computor output goes into the auxillary input on the Pock Rock. Headphones are on the headphone output on the Pock Rock. Nam player is the bomb!
I should have taken a photo. I was playing my Fender American Standard Tele with Bare Knuckle pickups > D'addario tuner > Turbo RAT > Blues Mood (Keeley mod Bluesdriver clone) > Behringer VD400 analog delay> Mooer Trelicopter > Marshall JCM2000 DSL100

I was very happy with the tone.

I also briefy played through an Orange TH30 halfstack too, just to compare

Just back from a practice. Swapped around the Turbo RAT and BD2 clone, and ran into a Twin Reverb
Fender American Standard Tele with Bare Knuckle pickups > D'addario tuner > Blues Mood (Keeley mod Bluesdriver clone) >Turbo Rat> Behringer VD400 analog delay> Mooer Trelicopter > Fender Twin Reverb 65RI

I,was really, really happy with the tone. I used the RAT for most of the moderate dirt, then boosted it with the Blues Mood for gnarly lead., It sounded fantastic through the Twin, and of course ungodly loud.

Our singer,was playing an Epi Les Paul into a Marshall JCM900. I liked my tone a lot more. More dynamic .
Right now I'm reworking the rhythm parts for a nearly finished track, playing the Lester, middle position, strumming it hard like an acoustic and using an extremely bright sound with hardly any breakup at all.

The signal chain, as you can see, is TuPRE preamp/EQ -> Presonus Ampire using the Twin -> LCF high/low pass filter -> MJUCr Comp -> TAL Reverb.


I'm working on getting maximum clarity and precision for the left and right parts that support the lead melody. It's simple campfire chords really but with added inversions so left and right don't get in the way of each other or take up space in the middle where the lead part is. Even when I'm just practicing I record all the time anyway in case I get it right by happy accident.