Dig it! The Perpetual Pedalboard of the Day Thread

The incredible shrinking pedalboard...

added the J Rockett 45 caliber in place of Sparkledrive MOD. My rhythm crunches are Marshall-y sounds via the Revival drive and the lead sound is the Angus Young-style JTM 45 sound from the 45 caliber. And various cleaner boosts. One Spark mini in a loop to give any sound in the ES-8 a small boost and the other is a “post ES-8” boost. The Em-Drive is more for a cleaner bluesy boost.
My pedalboard is pretty simple. It’s been the same general configuration forever. One or two dirts as a push, a delay that only I know is there, and a tuner.
I use the JTM to push the Marshally sounds and the MojoMojo to push the Fendery or Vox sounds. I don’t love the boosts in the Fire-box but they are ok enough.
So I’ve played live 5 times now. I’ve learned many lessons. This monstrosity addresses most of them.

Oh, and I’ve replaced a human with the drum pedal...lol.

The Green Russian is not practical; it will be replaced by a multi-mod pedal. The (non-functioning) Spark is a placeholder.

Are the White Sands and Clarksdale tube screamers?
The sandy side is sorta screamery but doesn’t quite get there. Also the Clarksdale is the first pedal out, since I have the TS amp. I run my pedalboard like an NCAA selection show.
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Even my big ol wet-dry board is pretty basic at the moment. Fuzz, couple of preamps, couple of ODs, couple of delays. Freeze and looper for practice.
still just putting my helix and shure wireless on the ground like a pleb.

zero pedal or amp gas so i guess thats a plus.