Pets of Wein

Lola got the all clear to take her jumper off yesterday. She's been smiling all day.

I bought her a doggy paddling pool too so she can chill while I'm in the hot tub.

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you're a good dogdad JBJ ! My bosses dog Brownie get's somewhat spoiled by me as I sneak him treats throughout the day. I also bought him a dogtag because he didn't have one and incase he ever gets loose then at least he has a better chance. I have also as of Monday started taking him on two short walks per day because unfortunately he has to be tied up during the shop hours un til the gate gets closed b ut also for his own safety so he doesn't get run over or something. I would walk him regardless but I figure hey I'm on the clock and I'd rather wal;k a dog than turn a wrench anyday :wink:

Here he is with his tag
Mrs JBJ was organising Lola's paperwork from the surgery and noticed a little slip that we'd missed before.

It must be a print out from her chip and it's got her date of birth on it!

20th July 2017. It's really nice to know her actual birthday and real age.

Long shot but we're on some alsatian fb groups and we're going to see if we can find any brothers or sisters / her parents.
you're a good dogdad JBJ ! My bosses dog Brownie get's somewhat spoiled by me as I sneak him treats throughout the day. I also bought him a dogtag because he didn't have one and incase he ever gets loose then at least he has a better chance. I have also as of Monday started taking him on two short walks per day because unfortunately he has to be tied up during the shop hours un til the gate gets closed b ut also for his own safety so he doesn't get run over or something. I would walk him regardless but I figure hey I'm on the clock and I'd rather wal;k a dog than turn a wrench anyday :wink:

Here he is with his tag
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Look at those paws!
I've been trying to get Lola to play tug for months.

She was always too gentle, as soon as you out any pressure on the pull, she'd release. I dunno if she was scared or had a bad experience with her previous owner but today she's started tugging back with force.

I'm really proud :baimun:
There's a group of German Shepherd owners who meet at a park on Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes for the dogs to hang around and play with each other not too far from us.

Lola's still not great with other dogs so we've been planning on taking her there for a while and we managed to do it today.

As we pulled up in the car she started whining - she did this when we took her to classes and she saw the other dogs but once she got out she was golden.

Sundays are quieter but there was still a dozen or so GSDs all running around playing. We just walked round the periphery of the field letting her having a look / smelland plenty of treats. A couple of times one of the dogs would run over. She'd bark a little but when they retreated she'd calm down.

I was a bit emotional earlier on thinking about how well she coped. We've got a 1 to 1 trainer coming out to see her in a few weeks but we're going to keep going to these meets and try to get her to be more calm (it's all fear based reactivity) around other dogs. I would love her to have friends and be able to run around and play but tbh if she just doesn't get stressed or panic every time she thinks a dog is coming for her I'll be over the moon.
There's a group of German Shepherd owners who meet at a park on Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes for the dogs to hang around and play with each other not too far from us.

Lola's still not great with other dogs so we've been planning on taking her there for a while and we managed to do it today.

As we pulled up in the car she started whining - she did this when we took her to classes and she saw the other dogs but once she got out she was golden.

Sundays are quieter but there was still a dozen or so GSDs all running around playing. We just walked round the periphery of the field letting her having a look / smelland plenty of treats. A couple of times one of the dogs would run over. She'd bark a little but when they retreated she'd calm down.

I was a bit emotional earlier on thinking about how well she coped. We've got a 1 to 1 trainer coming out to see her in a few weeks but we're going to keep going to these meets and try to get her to be more calm (it's all fear based reactivity) around other dogs. I would love her to have friends and be able to run around and play but tbh if she just doesn't get stressed or panic every time she thinks a dog is coming for her I'll be over the moon.

Have you tried walking her with another dog? Sounds wacky, but we’ve done that with foster dogs before that didn’t get along with other dogs and it helped.