Give me something to watch on Netflix

I watched a good doc about weed the other night. Had snoop, Peter toshetc.... High as fuck on it but it really delves into the politicisation of it.

Can't remember the name but if you search weed it'll pop up I'm sure.
Heard that Santa Clarita Diet was cancelled. It wasn't a great show, but solid.

I really liked it. Great chemistry between the whole cast.

I'm starting to get really tired of Netflix cancelling shows. There are reports that Netflix considers renewing anything beyond a 3rd season as a waste of time because it doesn't drive new subscribers, only new shows do that. That's fine if the program makers set out with a 3 season plan, but most don't.

If they keep it up I'll need to re-consider my subscription.
Bondit, I think that’s the name, about a dominatrix and her assistant. Episodes are 17 minutes. Funny!

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Started watching Trailer Park Boys due to someone mentioning it here when I was in the hospital. Holy Shit, it's almost painful to watch after living on the fringe of that lifestyle as a teen. I watch it in small doses.
I really liked it. Great chemistry between the whole cast.

I'm starting to get really tired of Netflix cancelling shows. There are reports that Netflix considers renewing anything beyond a 3rd season as a waste of time because it doesn't drive new subscribers, only new shows do that. That's fine if the program makers set out with a 3 season plan, but most don't.

If they keep it up I'll need to re-consider my subscription.

Your theory sounds reasonable. I figure Netflix has an almost zero customer loss rate. It's an incredible deal for the current costs. I guess it does make more sense to use their available funds toward enlarging their customer base.

In the case of Santa Clarita Diet, I'm guessing Netflix had the cast for a three season contract, and Barrymore and Olyphant figured Diet had given their careers enough of a boost to get them into big money movie projects. They probably weren't very motivated to commit their upcoming time to Netflix.

I do find the cancellation a bit odd. The writers clearly expected a fourth season. The new "team" of Linda Lavin, Earl's brother, and the crazy guy (complete with uniforms) seemed to indicate a plot arc for the next season.

Maybe they will be a spinoff?
Finished You are Dead to Me. Nicely done, and probably worth watching. But IMHO, the end falls apart.

Several episodes into After Life. I'm enjoying it so far.
Just watched the new Anthony Jeselnik special. If you want to know my dark sense of humor, just watch that. I laughed the entire time. He is not for the easily triggered.
Binged Black Summer last weekend with the wife. Especially liked the inclusion of the Korean girl as it was. Nice touch.

I'm watching that, 4 episodes in; it's alright. The acting could be better, but I prefer to think that they're all in shock and that explains their flat affect and the stupid, stupid things they do.

I like the Korean girl and .... almost no one else.
@GomezAddams @micwalt We just finished binging Dead to Me as well and really enjoyed it.

I think that the most interesting movies and TV shows have villains who are compelling. Even if you wouldn't go to the extremes they did, you understand their reasoning or what in their lives led them to make those decisions.
@GomezAddams @micwalt We just finished binging Dead to Me as well and really enjoyed it.

I think that the most interesting movies and TV shows have villains who are compelling. Even if you wouldn't go to the extremes they did, you understand their reasoning or what in their lives led them to make those decisions.
Agree wholeheartedly. One of the best parts of this show is that you eventually see that no one is really a hero, and no one is really a villain - just people with human strengths and weaknesses who make mistakes. Well, other than the lawyer boyfriend - they pretty much made him a stereotypical rich young guy asshole.
@GomezAddams @micwalt We just finished binging Dead to Me as well and really enjoyed it.

I think that the most interesting movies and TV shows have villains who are compelling. Even if you wouldn't go to the extremes they did, you understand their reasoning or what in their lives led them to make those decisions.
Agree wholeheartedly. One of the best parts of this show is that you eventually see that no one is really a hero, and no one is really a villain - just people with human strengths and weaknesses who make mistakes. Well, other than the lawyer boyfriend - they pretty much made him a stereotypical rich young guy asshole.
Yep! The lack of black-and-white good guys/bad guys is precisely what makes the show. The lawyer dude is a self-serving douche bag, though. :)
We watched The Lobster the other night, using our shiny new Netflix subscription. It is pretty weird - the premise is completely absurd (intentionally). But it is a different way of looking at the usual relationship stuff, made me think.

Oh and it has the steamin hot chick from The Mummy in it. :embarrassed:

Just watched it. What a wonderfully weird movie.
About 20 minutes into Summer of '84.

You know that rhetorical theme of "Would you like to go back with the knowledge/conscious you have now and do it over again? "

Definite no here. I learned now I would hate my tedious friends and life on top of the fact that I would graduate high school a father of like three kids....
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I watched a good doc about weed the other night. Had snoop, Peter toshetc.... High as fuck on it but it really delves into the politicisation of it.

Can't remember the name but if you search weed it'll pop up I'm sure.

It's a catch 22 because if you're high on weed while trying to search you may never find it.

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I highly recommend Fleabag. Dark and very funny BBC comedy from last year. I binge watched the whole thing over Christmas on the Iplayer but it's now on Netflix US I believe. Was a great antidote to the Christmas spirit :grin:

EDIT: Actually, it's on Prime.

S2 is wonderful.
Credit where it's due, Miley friggin' Cyrus delivered the best Black Mirror episode of this season. The first two were good but not quite up to snuff.