Recent content by rhino

  1. rhino

    Major or minor? Do you have a bias?

    I really like jamming in minor keys but most of the songs I’ve written are major
  2. rhino

    Was gifted a guitar so I guess HNGGD

    Nice one
  3. rhino

    Listen to this - New recording of original song... my first time really playing drums on a song! Please let me know what you think...

    The switching from minor to major feels really good and unforced. Well done. You liking that toggle switch on the new Les Paul?
  4. rhino

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    My mom doesn’t live on Big Beaver. I don’t understand why you would say that.
  5. rhino

    Dig it! I thought I was getting good deals at the "magic pawn shop" before but this one... may be the best deal of my... life... I still can't believe it guys

    I meant way more ridiculous carving… Look what I found on Etsy:
  6. rhino

    Music legends...the burn out vs. the fade away?

    How recent were these?
  7. rhino

    Music legends...the burn out vs. the fade away?

    He didn’t stop. He continues to refuse to be put in a box, which has kind of been his thing since going electric.
  8. rhino

    Dig it! I thought I was getting good deals at the "magic pawn shop" before but this one... may be the best deal of my... life... I still can't believe it guys

    That’s a great deal! At that price point I’d be open to some serious customization like carving or painting the top.
  9. rhino

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    Same. When I have to travel for work now, I almost always bring a cheap guitar. It’s my favorite bad habit.
  10. rhino

    Hooters files for bankruptcy.

    One of my friends worked at hooters when we were 18. Became friendly with a bunch of the staff. Some of the stories they would tell had me second hand cringing. He would also drop a mess of wings right before they closed sometimes and bring them to us wherever we were partying since they...
  11. rhino

    Approach for upcoming project, am I insane?

    Nope. You should do it
  12. rhino

    A computer chair actually designed for MUSICIANS???... cool...

    You’re not supposed to wear shorts when you play guitar.
  13. rhino

    Dig it! The "R" word.

    That’s what’s up!
  14. rhino

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    I’ll Venmo you 20 bucks if you go to Disney World and make videos of yourself being super judgmental to over the top Disney moms.
  15. rhino

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    Sarasota or St Petersburg? Those aren’t that bad