Where in the World is Peen Simmons

My mom doesn’t live on Big Beaver. I don’t understand why you would say that.
I drove past this place today and I had to look it up. Turns out they excommunicated @Frank Prince back during the War on Music.

Yeah Big Beaver Road is North of Detroit in Troy, I used to live in Sterling Heights many a moon ago!
All this traveling around. Did you run off with Toby Tyler?
I opened my big dumb yap at work about how we should be approaching a massively challenging speculative venture. Also, I’m a meddling perfectionist who will almost always err on the side of doing something myself to make sure it gets done and my peers at work are not wired that way. (They’re the sorts of people who will let AI do their homework and won’t be able to see how the result is lacking). So here we are.

I am back in my own home for one full day before a quick personal trip over the weekend. And then it’s off to plot a new mystery tour.