Music legends...the burn out vs. the fade away?

He didn’t stop. He continues to refuse to be put in a box, which has kind of been his thing since going electric.
Seen him live twice. One was a great show. He was engaged with the band and the crowd. The other one was crap. He was aloof and in his own world, not even listening to his band even though they were excellent.
I respect Bob, but I aint gonna buy a ticket and gamble on his mood.
Seen him live twice. One was a great show. He was engaged with the band and the crowd. The other one was crap. He was aloof and in his own world, not even listening to his band even though they were excellent.
I respect Bob, but I aint gonna buy a ticket and gamble on his mood.

How recent were these?
Here's the late great Norm Mcdonald on The Dan Patrick Show giving his perspective on seeing Bob Dylan live. I'm guessing the concert was 12 plus years ago.

How recent were these?
The good show was late 97'-early 98' he was touring just after the release of "Time out of Mind". He had a hot band with a pedal steel, was playing a Strat all night. He was singing good, was into it, and so was the small crowd of prob 5000+ in a small coliseum in Columbus Ga that was only about half full. The concert was advertised on short notice and I heard about it the day before on the radio. It was back when you could still purchase tickets locally. He came out and said "Hello Atlanta!" and that was funny as hell. Pretty sure Atlanta was the next night. At least he knew he was in Georgia I guess :)
The second show was around 10 years ago at an even smaller concert hall in Birmingham. 1500-2000 people, pretty much full. He played organ and stared into the distance off to the side of the stage all night. He had a good band, but you couldn't understand the words and he change all the melodies. Never acknowledged the band or the audience. Towards the end we went out for a smoke and before we even started to the car it was over and the crowd filed out sorta quietly. They all looked like they were either pondering something deep or just thinking WTF?
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