What are you drinking, right now, this very moment, this very minute ?

The only goat I've had is biryani that a springpiss indian store drives back from shitcago. No ketchup.
I've yet to sample Chicago goat, but I drive past a metric butt-ton of mexican places that advertise goat on my daily commute. haven't been able to pull myself away from the tacos and huaraches to try the goat. Also probably no ketchup in these fine establishments.
Lagunitas 12th of never

12 pack was on sale at the grocery store and it's alright...good bitterness and a nice citrus/melon hop flavor but it's a little on the thin side. Clocking in at 5.5% for a beer straddling in the line between pale ale and IPA it is a thirst quencher.