Pets of Wein

No photos on account of spending the day strumming and mowing plus my phone has taken one too many hot tub dunks and the camera now gives it soft focus 80s porn vibe but this is the first weekend in the new house we've had a chance to really enjoy the garden and she's loved it.

Our old place was fine and as a working class kid done good it's a bit ridiculous but a massive part for me of moving from a 3 bed mid terrace to a 5 bed detached was so Lola would have a big garden for her twilight years. Correct choice.
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Saturday two people from the shelter in Lithuania where Kiira is from visited and asked through the association if owners that live in Helsinki felt like meeting up. Since one of the people was one that immediately recognised Kiira when we passed by the shelter 2 years ago ( and Kiira also got super excited about her), we decided to go.

It was a good time, Kiira hung out with some of the other rescues and had fun, but she was mostly totally infatuated with the person from the shelter, immediately ran over for cuddles (and Kiira is not a cuddly dog AT ALL).

We also had the chance to ask some more about Kiira's background, as so far we never got much of a clear picture of her situation before she ended up in the shelter. We knew it had something to do with a divorce and deduced from her behaviour and reactions to certain situations etc that she wasn't treated amazingly, but apparently after the split up/divorce, the dude took her, and just yeeted her in some kind of box/cage/shack in the yard. Apparently eventually Kiira bit him (gosh, I wonder how a high energy husky-mix locked in a box gets frustrated...) and he dumped her at the shelter :facepalm:

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So Bailey had surgery to remove a tumor from her right hind leg - went well. In order to avoid making her wear the cone of shame, we've tried a few things, but have settled on this - Bassador Jammies!!

healing mojo for the stylish pooch !
@Flamencology ... that last pic reminds me of one a friend of mine took when he started taking his little fur-buddy for rides in his Ferrari.

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I love the "doggles". :lmbo:

I haven’t driven a motorcycle since the Bush administration.

But, in a different world, I’m certain that I’m clocking plenty of summer hours on a bike with a favourite dogchild in the sidecar. Stylish shades mandatory, obviously.

My Wheaten, though, loves drives in the pickup truck. Presumably because it’s taller and there’s more of a view. He’s a nosy motherfucker.
Buddy made it to his 14th birthday. It was yesterday. we made him a cheeseburger and gave him extra attention. About a month ago he was diagnosed with spleen cancer. It’s growing very quickly. We thought he was going within a week or two based on his lethargy. We put him on some Chinese herb that helps with his bleeding tumor and his life has been turned around.
We not only get more time with him but quality time as well.
Buddy made it to his 14th birthday. It was yesterday. we made him a cheeseburger and gave him extra attention. About a month ago he was diagnosed with spleen cancer. It’s growing very quickly. We thought he was going within a week or two based on his lethargy. We put him on some Chinese herb that helps with his bleeding tumor and his life has been turned around.
We not only get more time with him but quality time as well.View attachment 93250
Buddy mojo! 14 is a good run for a large Lab