Pets of Wein

Willy turned 7 years old yesterday.

We sent Arthur to the breeder for boarding while we were out of town. Before we left he ate approximately 25 pieces of sugar free gum with Xyletol in it. I was not aware that was deadly to dogs (not that we would have given him gum in the first place).
When we dropped him off he started vomiting and went very lethargic. The boarder ended up taking him to UF Vet where he spent the night and had a ton of blood work done. Everything ended up fine but since we picked him up he has not been the same. We left a rambunctious puppy and received a very docile dog. I imagine it was quite traumatic to leave his family and then end up in the doggy ER. Poor guy.
This morning he woke me up with kisses so he seems to be settling back in. Time will tell.

Oooofff, that's quite a lucky escape actually. Xylitol is pretty horrendous and it could have easily ended a lot worse. Mojo to Arthur!

In case you're not aware, avoid grapes and especially raisins like the plague as well. It's not know exactly why, but some dogs can keel over from just a single grape. Others can eat them just fine, but it's not worth finding out :embarrassed:
Oooofff, that's quite a lucky escape actually. Xylitol is pretty horrendous and it could have easily ended a lot worse. Mojo to Arthur!

In case you're not aware, avoid grapes and especially raisins like the plague as well. It's not know exactly why, but some dogs can keel over from just a single grape. Others can eat them just fine, but it's not worth finding out :embarrassed:
Thanks. I knew about grapes, raisins and chocolate but had never heard about the xylitol thing. He's fine now. Thankfully.
No no no... :embarrassed: That's our bombay, Nash, sleeping on my Lap. Yesterday is the 3 year anniversary of Chadwick Boseman... The Black Panther actor... passing away. Nash and I were watching the Black Panther movie.

I edited the above for clarity. :helper:
I should have caught that. I haven't been thinking straight since the water main blowout last week and the shoddy plumber.

Here's Jax and my ol' lady. He's got his butt on her shoulder like a parrot.

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Thanks. I knew about grapes, raisins and chocolate but had never heard about the xylitol thing. He's fine now. Thankfully.
Add onions to that list as well (and garlic, leeks, shallots, etc - whole allium family of plants)
I have a real problem with domestic cats being allowed to roam free and kill at will. It's not right and it's not cool. Should we have killer dogs too?
well we the the animal MAN that roams free and kills least the cat eats his kill. Jeffrey Dahmer and a few others ate their kills but most don't
well we the the animal MAN that roams free and kills least the cat eats his kill. Jeffrey Dahmer and a few others ate their kills but most don't

Most domestic cats kill and leave the dead, uneaten carcass when they are done playing with it. Or they bring it to their owner as a trophy. It's a game. MAN roaming free and killing is not cool either.

*your cat doesn't really have a home right? Torty probably does eat it what it kills.
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