Pets of Wein

Looks like I have a roadie in the house.

I typically throw the frisbee with the dog everyday when I get home. I had an out of town gig last night, and went straight from work to the bar so we didn’t get to do our thing. When the wife got home, she couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the dog. She growls when she is excited, not an aggressive thing at all. Talking about the dog not the wife. Anyway doggo kept growling and going to the door. It took a few minutes to figure out what was up, but they got it. At this point, I don’t know if I have the dog trained or she has us trained.
I typically throw the frisbee with the dog everyday when I get home. I had an out of town gig last night, and went straight from work to the bar so we didn’t get to do our thing. When the wife got home, she couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the dog. She growls when she is excited, not an aggressive thing at all. Talking about the dog not the wife. Anyway doggo kept growling and going to the door. It took a few minutes to figure out what was up, but they got it. At this point, I don’t know if I have the dog trained or she has us trained.

It's funny the little quirks and habits they pick up

Lola's, rather extensive, morning routine always starts thusly:

1. Big stretch at front or dads side of the bed
2. Wake dad with nudging or whining depending how tired / responsive he is
3. Stick bum up for nice bum rub
4. Roll on to back for lovely belly rub
5. Go round to Mrs JBJs side of the bed to see if she's awake and will let me jump up on it with her

Every single morning since we've got her, even when we're away on a break
Here's an image dump of some recent pics of the pooch out on daily walks in our new hood. He is 100% in his element; already has a twang to his voice and is considering changing his name to Bubba






cool pics. That first one could almost be PNW. Has Dart Bubba begun to sit on the porch next to the rocking chair yet patirntly waiting for you to drop some misplaced Carolina BBQ ?
cool pics. That first one could almost be PNW. Has Dart Bubba begun to sit on the porch next to the rocking chair yet patirntly waiting for you to drop some misplaced Carolina BBQ ?
it IS kinda PNW-ish; lots of conifers (pines rather than cedars and firs, but still) and similar topsoil/general undergrowth feel in the woods - just flatter and waaaaaay hotter/more humid.

We do actually have a rocking chair on the back porch, but because of the WET HEAT the porch sitting time is limited to earrrrly morning or fairly late night. We've been taking our longer walks in the mornings on cooler days and close to the river so that Bubba Dart can take frequent dips to keep cool (the temps in those pics were only in the mid 80s, but with humidity over 80% and "real feel" near 100. normal highs lately have been mid 90s.)

(and recent misplaced dropped meat has been carnitas, but that's more-or-less pulled pork anyway)
That's me about to sit for my tattoo. The Bowie lightning looks stupid so that's gone but it's going to look great.
I'm over the moon with the tattoo. Will post pictures once the wrap is OK to come off.

I'm under strict no hot tub orders for the next week or two!!!
Dart has found a new favorite thing/his calling in life - fetching sticks out of the river that forms the western boundary of my new backyard. I had forgotten how strong a swimmer he is. It's turning out to be a good way for him to get exercise and stimulation/enrichment outdoors even in the heat (we hit 98 with a "feels like" of 109 today).

(He's outgrown his harness, there's a new one on the way - much better for being on a long line in the water than a collar)

Interestingly, this river is a blackwater river (the only one in NC, evidently), which means that its water is very dark from dissolved tannins (leached out of all the pine needles that fall). It's not cloudy; it's actually surprisingly very clear but is more or less the color of strong black tea without milk in it - I guess the color is similar for similar reasons. I'm wondering how long it will take before my white dog is a tan dog from spending so much time steeping in the dark water.

Yesterday was Kiira's birthday according to her passport.

We spent Saturday visiting dogparks with her, then Sunday we had a good walk in the forest. For Monday the weather forecast was shit, so we had a bunch of stuff to have a nice day at home.

It was not meant to be. She woke us up at 6:30 and puked. No biggie, dogs sometimes puke. She hardly ever pukes, so not really worrying. After the morning walk she got breakfast, went back to bed. Then at 12 came out and puked again and continued properly emptying her stomach. We called the vet, they told us just give her little bits of food every hour or two, and make sure she drinks enough, but nothing immediately worrying, they kept a slot open for us right before closing time in case the situation worsened and asked us to call 2 hours in advance whether we needed it or not. Took her for a walk, all good, poop completely normal, she seemed a bit stressy about stuff she would normally ignore, but that's not weird after emptying your stomach. After that she wanted to play like normal etc, and no more issues. We call the vet 2 hours before the appointment that, thanks, but she seems ok now. Of course at the time her appointment would be, she empties her entire stomach again :facepalm: We call the emergency small animal hospital for advice, and they tell us to keep a close eye on her, no more food, and just make sure she drinks and monitor very closely if she keeps the water in, if not, drop by immediately. An hour later she starts puking all the water we gave her, so off to the emergency vet it is...

Since she still wanted to eat and drink, but just couldn't keep it in, they didn't think it was the best idea to go for night-time adventures with anesthetics, x-rays and whatnot, cause it would be very heavy on everyone involved (and our wallet) and apart from not being able to keep in water, they didn't see any immediate danger. So in the end she got some super soft food there, and a puke-suppressing injection(can't remember the proper name, it was 1am at that point :embarrassed: ). She hasn't puked (yet), but wasn't really herself this morning. Slept a lot, did want to play, but not nearly as enthousiastic as she normally does. Over the course of the day she's been slowly getting better though, so we have hope that after the medicine works out tonight we don't have to go back.

So much for her birthday :embarrassed: But at least the date in the passport is just a guestimation, so we can just designate another day in August to be her birthday :grin:
Yesterday was Kiira's birthday according to her passport.

We spent Saturday visiting dogparks with her, then Sunday we had a good walk in the forest. For Monday the weather forecast was shit, so we had a bunch of stuff to have a nice day at home.

It was not meant to be. She woke us up at 6:30 and puked. No biggie, dogs sometimes puke. She hardly ever pukes, so not really worrying. After the morning walk she got breakfast, went back to bed. Then at 12 came out and puked again and continued properly emptying her stomach. We called the vet, they told us just give her little bits of food every hour or two, and make sure she drinks enough, but nothing immediately worrying, they kept a slot open for us right before closing time in case the situation worsened and asked us to call 2 hours in advance whether we needed it or not. Took her for a walk, all good, poop completely normal, she seemed a bit stressy about stuff she would normally ignore, but that's not weird after emptying your stomach. After that she wanted to play like normal etc, and no more issues. We call the vet 2 hours before the appointment that, thanks, but she seems ok now. Of course at the time her appointment would be, she empties her entire stomach again :facepalm: We call the emergency small animal hospital for advice, and they tell us to keep a close eye on her, no more food, and just make sure she drinks and monitor very closely if she keeps the water in, if not, drop by immediately. An hour later she starts puking all the water we gave her, so off to the emergency vet it is...

Since she still wanted to eat and drink, but just couldn't keep it in, they didn't think it was the best idea to go for night-time adventures with anesthetics, x-rays and whatnot, cause it would be very heavy on everyone involved (and our wallet) and apart from not being able to keep in water, they didn't see any immediate danger. So in the end she got some super soft food there, and a puke-suppressing injection(can't remember the proper name, it was 1am at that point :embarrassed: ). She hasn't puked (yet), but wasn't really herself this morning. Slept a lot, did want to play, but not nearly as enthousiastic as she normally does. Over the course of the day she's been slowly getting better though, so we have hope that after the medicine works out tonight we don't have to go back.

So much for her birthday :embarrassed: But at least the date in the passport is just a guestimation, so we can just designate another day in August to be her birthday :grin:

Whenever my dogs have got the runs or pukeing I try to limit food and not even feed for a day. Then just plain rice (jasmine works fine) and then gradually add some plain chicken for a couple meals. Pumpkin is also good. They sell powdered stuff or if you decide to get at a grocery store (probably not readily available over there anyway) just make sure it's pure pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling with sugar. Dogs and sugar don't mix.
Whenever my dogs have got the runs or pukeing I try to limit food and not even feed for a day. Then just plain rice (jasmine works fine) and then gradually add some plain chicken for a couple meals. Pumpkin is also good. They sell powdered stuff or if you decide to get at a grocery store (probably not readily available over there anyway) just make sure it's pure pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling with sugar. Dogs and sugar don't mix.

We would've gone with something like that if she didn't start puking so regularly and threw up all her water. No/very limited food is not that big of a deal, we just wanted to check in with the vet for things to look out for as she was also being quite subdued and lacklustre. But when even water comes straight out 10 minutes later it gets dangerous quite quickly, especially with the warm weather. To illustrate how bad this got: after 5pm she got nothing but water and before that only tiny bits of food, we headed to the vet at around 9:30, she puked twice in the car, then three times in the vets office in the space of less than an hour.