Pets of Wein

Now that Kiira is home longer, she's starting to let her inner husky out more and more. It can be adorable, but also a major pain in the ass. The greeting random strangers with a full blown AAWWWOOOWOOOO is quite cute (even though some people find it very intimidating :embarrassed: ). The sitting down randomly because she wants to go in a different direction and refusing to move can be quite annoying.

Here's her parking in the middle of a bridge because the side we weren't going to had dogs barking at each other...

But she makes up for it by being a good girl plenty of times and just generally being the cutest being on earth quite often :embarrassed:
Sounds a lot like Lola. She's 5 on Wednesday but still acts like a puppy a lot of the time but she's still the best dog.

She's been stuck in because of the heat sowhen she finally got out last night I took her to her favourite spot and she just ran around made chasing then being chased by me. It was so nice.
Sounds a lot like Lola. She's 5 on Wednesday but still acts like a puppy a lot of the time but she's still the best dog.

She's been stuck in because of the heat sowhen she finally got out last night I took her to her favourite spot and she just ran around made chasing then being chased by me. It was so nice.

Yeah with Kiira the hard part is to also give her enough mental stimulation. She's simply fucking smart, so she needs/wants a lot of training and things to do that are interesting to keep her satisfied. If we slack on that for two days she just becomes a bit of a dick the moment we leave the house.

And the seeing dogs in the street issue is quite a handful. She's very good with other dogs, but the notion that she's just not going to say hi to every dog we see is really hard to get into her. She often tries really hard, but then at some point just loses it, starts lunging and growling etc. We tried for a month to see if not letting her play/meet other dogs on leash would help, but that only seems to make it worse (it didn't help that almost every time I took her to the dogpark there were no other dogs and the ones that were there weren't really that great of a match when it comes to playing). If only she'd just understand that elderly ladies' walking toilet brushes aren't going to be her playmates that'd be great :embarrassed:
Now that Kiira is home longer, she's starting to let her inner husky out more and more. It can be adorable, but also a major pain in the ass. The greeting random strangers with a full blown AAWWWOOOWOOOO is quite cute (even though some people find it very intimidating :embarrassed: ). The sitting down randomly because she wants to go in a different direction and refusing to move can be quite annoying.

Here's her parking in the middle of a bridge because the side we weren't going to had dogs barking at each other...

But she makes up for it by being a good girl plenty of times and just generally being the cutest being on earth quite often :embarrassed:
does she let you use her as a pillow yet ? a dog pillow is one of the best things ever ...snuggle time with the doggo !
I was going to make her a cake but the carrots were mouldy.

Ribeye steak and squirty cream for dinner it is!
Been thinking about getting a tattoo of Lola with the Alladin Sane lightning bolts on her face for ages so I've booked myself in next week :bigg:
does she let you use her as a pillow yet ? a dog pillow is one of the best things ever ...snuggle time with the doggo !

She usually scoots in next to CoGF during the night, so COGF often wakes up in the middle of a triple spoon :embarrassed:

She's not that snuggly yet, she was very weary of being stroked etc when we first got her. She always wants to be in the bed or on the couch with us, but some strokes would lead to a cautionary grumble after 10 seconds. It's changed quite a bit already, if we find "the spot" for some scratchies now she'll happily have then for ages and we're allowed to touch her a lot more. I'm sure dogpillow will happen at some point :grin:
Yeah with Kiira the hard part is to also give her enough mental stimulation. She's simply fucking smart, so she needs/wants a lot of training and things to do that are interesting to keep her satisfied. If we slack on that for two days she just becomes a bit of a dick the moment we leave the house.
If they're not already in your bag of tricks, various "enrichment feeding" things are a good thing to try out to keep a smart dog mentally stimulated (snuffle mats, scatter feeding, various toys that slowly trickle out kibble while the dog interacts with it like the kong wobbler, etc). Dart doesn't get any of his food in a normal food bowl these days and it helps a lot.
If they're not already in your bag of tricks, various "enrichment feeding" things are a good thing to try out to keep a smart dog mentally stimulated (snuffle mats, scatter feeding, various toys that slowly trickle out kibble while the dog interacts with it like the kong wobbler, etc). Dart doesn't get any of his food in a normal food bowl these days and it helps a lot.

We keep all our toilet rolls, egg cartons and whatever small boxes to make games for her. We also give her frozen kong's and whatnot. She really enjoys it, but you notice she also wants things that involve interaction with us, like practicing silly tricks etc.
If they're not already in your bag of tricks, various "enrichment feeding" things are a good thing to try out to keep a smart dog mentally stimulated (snuffle mats, scatter feeding, various toys that slowly trickle out kibble while the dog interacts with it like the kong wobbler, etc). Dart doesn't get any of his food in a normal food bowl these days and it helps a lot.

We got one of those Kong ball thingys you put treats in. First couple of days we had, the dog was totally engaged. Not sure if the treats I put in it were too big or something but she had a hard time getting them out. She then started rolling it directly under a couch and then coming back to me with a different toy.
We got one of those Kong ball thingys you put treats in. First couple of days we had, the dog was totally engaged. Not sure if the treats I put in it were too big or something but she had a hard time getting them out. She then started rolling it directly under a couch and then coming back to me with a different toy.
I've been buying those and similar types since I got my first dog and some dogs take to them and others don't . My first dog I just gave it as a toy (long before the internet so even though it probably said it was a treat toy i just treated <<<<,see what i did it as a ball toy and he never really engaged it that much. With Callie I started a thing where whenever I left the house I would stick a treat inside so it was like me saying "hey I'll be going but you know the routine" and she would always have it empty when i came back. Sonny is the same ....he is a master at them and I can even had a beef treet in there and he'll still manage to get it out. I did notice his method for dry treats like a milkbone is he will basically just chomp down and break the biscuit so it falls out but I 've seen him also stick his tongue in there and somehow get it out.
We got one of those Kong ball thingys you put treats in. First couple of days we had, the dog was totally engaged. Not sure if the treats I put in it were too big or something but she had a hard time getting them out. She then started rolling it directly under a couch and then coming back to me with a different toy.
We smear some peanut butter on the inside, then throw in a few bits of her food, then a tiny bit more peanut butter, throw the whole thing in the freezer for an hour or two. That way the treats are "stuck" without being super hard to get out, and the licking the frozen stuff seems to really satisfy her. It's worth a shot, but it also just might not be for your dog.
yeah, it's definitely different strokes for different folks (dogs) - some thing that are engrossing and stimulating for one dog are frustrating for another dog and are boring for another dog.