Everyones fav band...looks like Daltry getting an enema and sounds like Plant

I saw A. Fantano talking about it like it was another infamously bad SNL performance. They're terrible but I'm not sure what was uniquely bad about it.
My wife and I were watching this, and the whole time she was complaining about how horrible the singer was, how he had no stage presence, how stupid his outfit looked, etc. I was going to correct her because I was pretty sure the singer was a woman (Greta Van Fleet herself) but the more I watched the less sure I was, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Most of the SNL musical performances have been kind of cruddy this year. Maybe the only standout was Paul Simon's rejiggering to fit his older voice.
The singer has a pretty interesting voice. He goes from singing like Robert Plant to Ann Wilson to Geddy Lee in one song. Which I find distracting and annoying, but it’s a fun party trick.
My wife and I were watching this, and the whole time she was complaining about how horrible the singer was, how he had no stage presence, how stupid his outfit looked, etc. I was going to correct her because I was pretty sure the singer was a woman (Greta Van Fleet herself) but the more I watched the less sure I was, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Most of the SNL musical performances have been kind of cruddy this year. Maybe the only standout was Paul Simon's rejiggering to fit his older voice.

What really impressed me was that he did not sing the hit version. Rather than try to be Art, he suited it to himself.
The clothing that he was wearing was pretty odd. Rather like something Janis Joplin would have worn perhaps, or a female fan of Joplin would have worn.

The singing wasn't great but certainly not the worst I ever heard on that show. Some of the musical performers on there are horrid so I will take this ten times over. It seems like a lot of people want to rip on them but then in the next breath they lament that there are no guitars/rock bands/etc. Hey, they're good and they are having fun. So far I like the stuff that I have heard on the radio by them better than that performance but they were better than say 18 of the last 20 acts I suppose - and that Paul Simon performance was terrible...both songs.
I keep checking them out and trying to like them, but this gave me the same vibe as I always get: overdone and underwhelming. There are certainly some good elements there. The guy has an interesting voice, there are some great guitar tones, good drummer... It just seems like the songs are utterly meh, and the whole thing is put together in an awkward way that actually seems to make the whole a lot less than the sum of the parts.
Hugh It's your damned porridge, use your own damned spoon.
Stephen Please Alan, don't throw porridge in my face. That's completely over. Finished. Done with. Over and finished. Done over and finished with. Over. You understand? Finished over with. Done.
I'm not on board the Greta Van Fleet bandwagon, but I do find some encouragement that a raw 4 piece, guitar-driven band can still have commercial success in today's super-processed music industry. Good for them. They've built a following and look like they're having a lot of fun doing it. Hopefully they'll last a while and maybe pave the way for a commercial rock revival, of sorts.
I'm not on board the Greta Van Fleet bandwagon, but I do find some encouragement that a raw 4 piece, guitar-driven band can still have commercial success in today's super-processed music industry. Good for them. They've built a following and look like they're having a lot of fun doing it. Hopefully they'll last a while and maybe pave the way for a commercial rock revival, of sorts.
Nope, it's just Wolf Mother all over again.

They get maybe one song on the billboard rock singles chart for about a year in about 20-30th place, overinflated hype begins from rock magazines, a year passes, and then they seemingly disappear. Maybe a decade later they act like they are doing a reunion tour/album that looks and sounds like self-parody.

I don't know about WM, but these kids probably had their parents invest zillions of dollars into them like some parents of child actors. And when they go bankrupt from hugely overestimating their commercial success, no more Greta Van Fleet.
Nope, it's just Wolf Mother all over again.

They get maybe one song on the billboard rock singles chart for about a year in about 20-30th place, overinflated hype begins from rock magazines, a year passes, and then they seemingly disappear. Maybe a decade later they act like they are doing a reunion tour/album that looks and sounds like self-parody.

I don't know about WM, but these kids probably had their parents invest zillions of dollars into them like some parents of child actors. And when they go bankrupt from hugely overestimating their commercial success, no more Greta Van Fleet.

they already look and sound like self-parody.
That guys vocal style just kills it for me. We already had Robert Plant, we don't need a lesser clone of him.

How small is that guitarist that he makes a SG look huge?
My wife and I were watching this, and the whole time she was complaining about how horrible the singer was, how he had no stage presence, how stupid his outfit looked, etc. I was going to correct her because I was pretty sure the singer was a woman (Greta Van Fleet herself) but the more I watched the less sure I was, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Most of the SNL musical performances have been kind of cruddy this year. Maybe the only standout was Paul Simon's rejiggering to fit his older voice.

That was great. Pretty sure that's my buddy Jim Oblon playing drums. We used to work in a coffee shop together. His music career took off. Mine, not so much.