Mental health check-in

I had my one on one with my boss last Thursday.
He asked how I was doing and when I described things, he said, “That’s burn-out.”

The thing is that it’s not a full-on, all the time thing. It comes and goes.
Being networking nerds, he described it as “dropping packets” and that’s so damned accurate.

I didn’t see it. I realised I’d hit a wall once in a while, but didn’t think more of it than that.

Anyway, all is well at work. Good performance review.
Busier than ever though.

I need to push away some home projects or pick up an easy one that lets my brain shut down while I’m doing it.
This is kind of me. This month has been non-stop work (yesterday was my first day of not working either at the school or an actually gig in three weeks) and its all fairly high pressure stuff. Plus, Mrs. Wein was laid off and then found a new job in January but the new job is no longer remote and is hugely stressful for her as well so we're really trying to support each other as much as possible without fucking up our own responsibilities. And kids.
Funny - I had a pelvic MRI last week that showed two grade 5 prostate lesions and will be getting them biopsied in May but somehow I'm not going over the edge about this. I guess I always expected to get cancer (both parents and my younger brother died from it and my sister had a mild case of breast cancer) so it just isn't really freaking me out. I just wish I could get the biopsy out of the way so we could figure out if/how it makes sense to treat it. I'm going to be traveling to CA and HI over the next few weeks, so I'll probable come home with some supplies that will help me deal with it even better! :hippie:
Funny - I had a pelvic MRI last week that showed two grade 5 prostate lesions and will be getting them biopsied in May but somehow I'm not going over the edge about this. I guess I always expected to get cancer (both parents and my younger brother died from it and my sister had a mild case of breast cancer) so it just isn't really freaking me out. I just wish I could get the biopsy out of the way so we could figure out if/how it makes sense to treat it. I'm going to be traveling to CA and HI over the next few weeks, so I'll probable come home with some supplies that will help me deal with it even better! :hippie:
Mojo. My wife had breast cancer a few years back and went aggressive with the treatment, which was the best decision for her situation. She's had a lot of cancer in her family and wanted to get that shit right out of there.