Kick Henry Jackassowski
If your son was >18 at the time the picture was taken, then I wouldn't worry too much about it.
If he was under, then there may be some outside chance that you would be complicit in the distribution of some ill shit. Talk to a lawyer. It would really suck to have some offended parent of a yearbook recipient go off the deep end and you wind up facing some really bad sounding charges. If the lawyer tells you not to worry, then don't worry, but I'd check into it.
If he was under, then there may be some outside chance that you would be complicit in the distribution of some ill shit. Talk to a lawyer. It would really suck to have some offended parent of a yearbook recipient go off the deep end and you wind up facing some really bad sounding charges. If the lawyer tells you not to worry, then don't worry, but I'd check into it.