Weekend Wrapup (Superbowl Sunday/Forum Upgrade Edition)

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
Everyone thank @dodgechargerfan for updating the forum today!!!

I had a Big Band Dinner Dance to supervise at school Friday night, served on a panel for conservatory placements Saturday morning, played a gig Saturday night and tried to recover today while the sportsball game was on TV.

Saturday, we did the birthday thing for daughter DCF. Her birthday is actually today, but everyone could get together yesterday.
I wasn’t feeling great most of the day. My blood pressure was high and that’s weird for me.

Sunday, discussed the whole exercise, Fitbit sleep tracker thingy and decided to order an Apple Watch from Amazon. Same day delivery.
The guy showed up just as I was wrapping up the forum upgrade and couldn’t figure out how to open the porch door…
Oh yeah, did the forum upgrade. It went very well.
Might need a tweak here and there, but overall it all made it through.

And we’re up to date on the backend software too. So, we shouldn’t see a repeat of the outage we saw a few days back.
Great weekend, too bad it’s gone now.

Many guitar activities:

- restringing and full service for two guitars. Man new strings sound so good, especially on the acoustic.
- pulled my small selection of pedals down out of the mothballs and played around with them. Forgot how fun that was. Now I’m trying to get them all nice and neat on my little pedalboard. It’s a challenge to make them fit so all the patch cords work out.
- practiced a lot

And I made this killer marinade for sauerbraten


My primitive pedalboard (it will be more organized soon)

Friday: work,visited my gran then went to the pub with Mrs jbj.

Saturday: pottered about then off to the football. Bumped into one of our kids parents waiting to get into the bar before kick off. :runaway:

Sunday: had a lie in then went to meet my dad and uncle for a beer.

I'm off work today and tomorrow so we've dropped Lola at daycare, I'm going back to bed then when we pick her up she's going to grans and we're heading off for a spa hotel stay tonight
Friday, annoyed with work due to the crucial project I was sweating blood over. The manager had asked someone else to look at part of it two days previously without telling so I wasted that time looking at the same thing. The project (or more correctly the management of it) is going to kill the company at this rate. Finished at lunchtime, vacuumed the house, and then spent the afternoon trying to practice some songs ready for band rehearsal Saturday am.

Saturday, had band rehearsal, hopefully won't get a parking ticket as the studio's landowner has introduced a new registration scheme that you have to scan in within 20 minutes of arriving and I forgot for a couple of hours. Saturday evening, went to a see a comedian called Tom Allen. Funny guy, good show.

Sunday, trip to see the wife's mother and sort some stuff out for her. Evening, finished watching season of the Traitors Australia.
Sat: Chilled at home with my daughter.
Sun: Had a long lie-in, then drove to my gf. Went to cinema to see Argylle. Was entertaining.
Recovering from Covid for the most part.

Sunday, drove my youngest back to school, then watched the super bowl.
I snowed most of the day on Saturday, so I mostly stayed inside except for shoveling snow. Sunday I continued my tradition of not watching the Superbowl. I didn't even know who won until I saw something in my new feed this morning.
Friday: Had big plans to practice after work and ended up running errands.
Saturday: watched the footy then more errands and some practice.
Sunday: watched two horrible premier league games then practiced a bit before actual band practice, which went decently except for a few songs I couldn't get my fingers to go where they were supposed to. Watched the Superbowl just because. Sloppy game, but at least a competitive one.
I'll skip the usual report and brag about how tasty the NY strip steaks turned out Sunday afternoon. We watched a few minutes of the superbowl after our PBS Sunday night shows ended.

On a whim, I tried something new, a bottle of Smoke Wagon Small Batch Straight Bourbon that is distilled in Las Vegas. It is an above-average sip with a nice finish.

i like that the top ribbon stays fixed to the top, when you scroll down.
Me too. First thing I do when I get on here is look at the alerts. Then I read anything after that because, it now thinks I've read the whole page. Then, scroll up to see the next alert... Nice. Also, I was going to just make the part of your post I'm talking about bold but, I couldn't turn anything inside the quote blue.
Me too. First thing I do when I get on here is look at the alerts. Then I read anything after that because, it now thinks I've read the whole page. Then, scroll up to see the next alert... Nice. Also, I was going to just make the part of your post I'm talking about bold but, I couldn't turn anything inside the quote blue.
ya mean like that ^^^??

i've found something that kinda needs to get done, @dodgechargerfan . when you highlight text to bold it or underline or whatever, the highlight is almost invisible. just sayin' :thu:
I do see some issues with contrast on some elements.

Well get to it with more styles.
Honestly, it’s not going to happen until the weekend if I survive this week.
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I had physical therapy Friday; the legs are getting stronger. Saturday I went to the studio for the first time in months: it felt good to get out for something other than medical appointments. I worked on three songs I had recorded but not released. I have a couple of new songs in the works as well. Sunday I went to church and then stopped at a local place that will carry some of my CDs for sale.

If things continue to improve like this I may try to get to the open mic this Friday.