That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I got in shit at work last week for pointing with my middle finger.
it was honestly innocent.
but from now, it isn't.
I have to be careful when showing the scar on this finger and how my fingernail grows with a fucked up seam down the middle.



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I did it around 9:30pm meaning that regular doctors offices were closed, so instead of a $25 copay, I was looking at a $200 ER copay and 20% of ER costs. So since it wasn't my fretting hand, I squirted a bunch of antibiotic ointment on it and wrapped it up until the next morning. I went to work at 8:embarrassed:0 and left at 10:embarrassed:0 when the walk in clinic opened. The doc chastised me a bit about preferring to sew them up sooner than 12 hours after the fact.
I had a gal whack my arm with a kitchen knife, opened me up pretty good.
never did get stitches, just bandaged it tightly.

there may have been booze involved
Women... I didn't mention that I slammed it in the door because my wife had just said something so rude and uncalled for that I had to get out of the house. As I shut the sliding glass door I realized that I had done it in Hulk Strength because of my anger and tried to catch it before it slammed too hard.
can't live with 'em, can't bury them in the backyard without called the utilities to find out where you can dig.

though it looks like I will have a new one living with me come July...
I'm really excited about that, actually.
it's that "the one that got away" gal I mentioned before.
she's gonna come out for a bit in July, and if things go well (and I expect they will) she'll be staying.
16 years we've both spent regretting we didn't do things differently back when.
mostly my fault for not having the balls to tell her I didn't want her to leave :facepalm:
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