I've never had any skill with the damn things, so I got drunk and took it on a halfpipe

it did not go well.
no serious injury though
I can't skate a half pipe after even one beer!
Yea, I grew up in the first phase of "radical" sports... I remember the transition from clay wheels on plywood skateboards to modern, the change from clunky Schwinn Stingray bicycles to Redline BMX, the change from short travel to long travel suspension on dirt bikes, I remember the clamp on roller skates with metal wheels, and now we have inline skates, which I can also skate in a half pipe...
It was pretty cool growing up in Socal in the early days... I remember when I was 14, and I talked a bunch of neighbor kids into helping me rip off a bunch of plywood from a jobsite around the block... We simply walked around the block at like 6 AM on a Sunday morning, took the chain link gate off the hinges, and carried back about 10 sheets of 1/2 inch plywood between about six of us... Then, we proceeded to build a sloping runway to a 12 foot high vert ramp... It was just the 4 foot width of the plywood... We had no idea what we were doing, but we pulled it off...
So, did my mom ask where the wood came from? Nope... She never asked questions! However, after every kid in town started hanging around in my backyard, she got stressed, and told me I had to take it down... I got pissed off and hatcheted it down, and lit it on fire...

I was a very well adjusted kid...