if I had kids, you can' bet yer ass they'd be watching the movies, cartoons, and even that gawdawful holiday special from years back (which I still have on tape)
Star Wars is the best thing since ever.
I counted my Clone Trooper actions figures the other day, lost count in the mid-80s.
that's JUST clones.

and there's at least 3 or 4 more in my prize pack.
*dances the Happy Dance*
I don' tdo much buying from the movie lines anymore, just the cartoon.
but they're slowing that line down, what with them releasing all the movies again.
and there's talk of cartoon folks getting realistic treatments as figs.
not sure how I feel about that.
I'd prefer to see the movie folks done in the cartoon style.
we'll see.
now, I await the arrival of my R/C Hailfire Droid