y'know, not to sound EXTRA creepy, but I would like to speak to you on the telephone some day, if that's possible.
there have been 3 folks here who've spoken with me thus far and come to no harm.
well, not through me, anyways...
but I can see how a young gal might be creeped out by an older guy calling.
therefore, I am saying it in public.

if you somehow teleport from Chicago(?) to Canadaland, they'll know it was me.
but anywasys, one day, I'll call ya.
or you can call me...
eeether EYEther
we'll talk about Watt
and which guitar I'm gonna send ya
that was s'posed to be a surprise
I meant, uh ,, Ewok.
I got lots of them
*wanders off mumbling and embarrassed*