That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Jersey said she wants to steal Lambchop's toy...

I kinda like hanging on the guitar page myself. Doesn't matter much.
It's easier sticking to one place when I'm on the mobile though. Jumping between guitars and the lounge is pretty time consuming.
Honestly, I'd rather be around other threads related to guitars rather than what I had for lunch.

was it gone?

Our little OMG thread over there actually started with a thread that was called "delete me." Somebody started it, and it was like a double post or something so they cahnged the thread title to delete me. We used it for a while as our little hangout but then one of the mods, well, deleted it. So, yeah, it's back. Sort of. I guess.

ew...a nasty aroma just wafted thru the a combination of failure and ass...

wait, nevermind...Farrah is here
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