Pets of Wein

Here's Queen Pearl on her throne. Note the ramp - she's mobility restricted (arthritis and earlier injuries to her back end) so she needs it to get comfortably up and down from the sofa. The good thing about having a not-so-mobile cat is that in the ten months we've had her she's NEVER knocked ANYTHING over. In fact, in some ways she's the most un-cat like cat I've ever met. I think she's half lab - she wags her tail, is intensely social, incredibly talkative, and very insistent on receiving lots of attention. She hardly ever 'plays' and is the least aloof cat ever. Oh - and she's got thumbs!

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Thanks for the address. Enjoy your gifts! :troll:

I've had a lovely morning licking this wall while dad hobbles around behind me on a sore ankle. Super fun.

45 minute drive to the beach
15 minute walk from the car park to the water
10 minutes in the water before mr frisbee got too cold and I decided I wanted to go home.

Barked at some dogs as we drove through At Andrews too. Now they know who's the boss.

Wonderful morning

Lola's just had her 2nd session with the dog whisperer.

He was super impressed with how much progress she's made with her confidence. He probably liked the fact she didn't try and bite his nads this time either :grin:

We practiced her walking around with one of his dogs - Odie a bit fluff ball ancient golden retriever. Lola did really well all things considered - it's just putting it into practice in real world terms now.

He's going to check in in a months time and see how she's getting on. I asked him what the next steps would be and he said she's made the kind of progress he'd usually need 3 or 4 sessions to get to so if all goes good with the reactivity that'll be him pretty much done with her :thu:
Lola has had quite the day.

I stayed over at last night's gig so 20 minutes of non stop zoomies when I got home.

Spent the afternoon nudging and licking me while I tried to nap after a near 4 hour drive home.

Then she ate a literal brick of congealed smoker fat I'd put in the bin.

Then when we were degreasing her snout out the back she got her paws covered in blue fence stain. She was not impressed getting it washed off.

She's now in a mood / contemplating her poor life choices :embarrassed:

On the upside we got to put her reactivity training to the test with a little happy dog yesterday and Lola didn't even acknowledge it. Very proud.