OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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If you came up as a rock guitar player in the 70s, Uncle Ted had a certain appeal, but it pretty much ended in the '80s. Damn Yankees was one band where the whole was much less than the sum of its parts.

I came up as a rock player in the 70s, and I always hated Nugent. I thought his music was insipid, and even then, he came across as a dick in interviews.
Most people I know who were learning to play in that era thought he was great, until the second he opened his mouth. That's basically my opinion as well. *Shrugs* Nobody's arguing against him being a braying jackass. Derek St. Holmes is a great singer who added a lot to the earlier albums.
Most people I know who were learning to play in that era thought he was great, until the second he opened his mouth. That's basically my opinion as well. *Shrugs* Nobody's arguing against him being a braying jackass. Derek St. Holmes is a great singer who added a lot to the earlier albums.
except for Free For All. Derek & Ted got in a big argument at the beginning of recording that album and Derek quit (which he did several times over the years). now they needed a lead singer to record the album, cuz everyone knows Ted is no lead singer. one of the recording engineers said he knew a local guy that was a really great rock singer. they said 'call him, get him in here'. turned out to be a dude called Meatloaf!!
also, if you have the original actual record, there's a credit on the cover for a custom built guitar by Paul Reed Smith.
the important thing to note is that this is not the 'mueller' investigation. this raid is the result of info mueller found during the 'collusion investigation' and forwarded to the NY US Atty's office. no one can say (and not be a blithering idiot) that 'mueller is way outside his scope'. mueller isn't running this raid. and won't be running this prosecution.
and if they're really smart, the federal attys will turn the prosecution over to the NY atty general, so cheeto can't pardon cohen.
the important thing to note is that this is not the 'mueller' investigation. this raid is the result of info mueller found during the 'collusion investigation' and forwarded to the NY US Atty's office. no one can say (and not be a blithering idiot) that 'mueller is way outside his scope'. mueller isn't running this raid. and won't be running this prosecution.

Oh, you mean Geoffrey Berman, former partner to Rudy Guiliani, who was involved in the Bridgegate trial, and is now Trump's interim appointee to succeed Preet Bharara? I guess we'll find out what side his bread is buttered on now.
Oh, you mean Geoffrey Berman, former partner to Rudy Guiliani, who was involved in the Bridgegate trial, and is now Trump's interim appointee to succeed Preet Bharara? I guess we'll find out what side his bread is buttered on now.
i don't know how that will play out. i find it hard to believe that Mueller would 'forward' that info to Berman if he thought Berman wouldn't act correctly with it. Mueller could have sent it to Schniderman who would certainly act on it. :shrug:
i don't know how that will play out. i find it hard to believe that Mueller would 'forward' that info to Berman if he thought Berman wouldn't act correctly with it. Mueller could have sent it to Schniderman who would certainly act on it. :shrug:

Schneiderman is chomping at the bit. There's all this talk about Cuomo running for President in 2020, but the guy who should run is Schneiderman.
Schneiderman is chomping at the bit. There's all this talk about Cuomo running for President in 2020, but the guy who should run is Schneiderman.
wait a minute. wouldn't Berman have to recuse himself, if this has ties to cheeto, because of the 'impending' appointment?
the important thing to note is that this is not the 'mueller' investigation. this raid is the result of info mueller found during the 'collusion investigation' and forwarded to the NY US Atty's office. no one can say (and not be a blithering idiot) that 'mueller is way outside his scope'. mueller isn't running this raid. and won't be running this prosecution.
and if they're really smart, the federal attys will turn the prosecution over to the NY atty general, so cheeto can't pardon cohen.
I have faith in Mueller's competence approaching that of the faith that blithering idiot Trumpsters around here are still showing Shitler. I say "approaching" because people make mistakes and I'm not a blithering idiot blind faith-based can't be wrong knucklehead with all my eggs in one leaky basket like the Shitler fans. Mueller seems to be doing it right so far, though.
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