Is this the final round?
I've come to the realisation that you lot are the drunk uncles at my gigs who moan because I won't play any Radiohead or Megadeath
If it helps… Dave and I were at the bottom of the list (I put A Little Bit Alexis per my wife’s suggestion instead of The Dark Side by Eddie and the Cruisers but there you go)…
so it actually puts several people in shooting distance of Dave on this final round, so he hasn’t mathematically eliminated all of us.
I'm still top of my other league.
Next round is 1 word titles. I'm considering going a bit brave and doing Hoppipola by Sigur Ros but I'm really petty and want to stay on top and that might be a bit of a stretch for votes
Loobs or bools?BOOBS
oh… that’s an “L”….