Question: Official Music League Thread


- new topic posted!
@smurfco When does the new one go live? Friday like it says, or as soon as the votes are done for the current?

It should go live as soon as I vote, but we are catching up to the original calendar, in which case it will start doing it by the posted deadline. I can either leave those deadlines in place or push them all out so that we continue doing it on our own schedule.
Argh this is a great topic. I've got 2 jumping out at me but they're both totally different and now I've come up with something that, to me, is very music league but is nothing like the other 2.

I'm far too pettily competitive to enjoy this :grin:
It should go live as soon as I vote, but we are catching up to the original calendar, in which case it will start doing it by the posted deadline. I can either leave those deadlines in place or push them all out so that we continue doing it on our own schedule.

Either way is fine... just let us know when and I think more people will submit and vote on time than random "Oh shit... a new one got posted and I didn't realize..."

That happened on another league I'm in. New topic went live Sunday... when I saw on Monday I didn't have time to listen to potential submissions and copy the link... now they're voting today and I can't vote because I didn't get a song post on time. :mad:

And the topic is fucking INSTRUMENTALS!! ghaaatdaaammmit!!!! :gah:
New topic is live. I got mine in. Had to choose between 2 really good ones. If my second choice shows up you're getting all of my votes since I can't vote for myself.
nope, sticking with my original. Don't think it'll score well but that's on you lot.
My initial thought on this one was....crap....I cannot think of anything that is not lame. Then I remembered......


And I got dusted last round.....
Holy shit... there were 7 people that submitted before me, and I still got my first choice.

That either bodes really good.... or I'm about to get my ass handed to me again. :embarrassed:
nope, sticking with my original. Don't think it'll score well but that's on you lot.

Yeah.... I changed my mind on "Mother" and posted "Bicycle Race" previously... and sure as shit Mother got more votes. :embarrassed:

Honestly, had the previous topic been "Sexy Time", your song (along with Marvin Gaye" should have been the hands-down winner.

I was still hung up on the Boner joke. :baimun:

This was my "BONER" submission... :helper:... which I HAD to change to Prince.
