Now NPD! - Cheap but usable Down Tune pedal recommendations please?

I lucked into a used DROP a few months ago. I had watched a ton of YouTube videos on the pros and cons of all the offerings out there for a couple of years.
I finally found a guy who was touring with some big names. He kind of convinced me to wait for a DROP. He said out of all the units he tried the DROP had the least noticeable artifacts and delay.
I kind of forgot about it and set it aside. One day I was at GC and there was a used one and I had a $20 credit. So it came home with me.
What's the latency like with the pitch shift pedals? I've got a Donner pitch shifter, it works but the latency can be annoying... but from what I understand it's a fact of life for these kinds of effects.
In general, you need decent processing power to change pitch with low latency. I’ve noticed that it’s not always easy to find out latency data about gear.

Perhaps, it’s worth trying something more expensive. In theory, if something costs more it should have faster processors and lower latency. Of course, it does not always work out that way. So, you have to try in store or with a return policy to find out.

My Virtual Jeff digital whammy does pitch shifting in half steps. It can do a full octave up or two octaves down. The latency is low but the price is high.

Also, if you take a note or chord and change it to a dramatically lower pitch, I think you tend to get more latency because it has to slow things down to create the lower frequencies. So, I think even a high dollar unit is going to have some noticeable latency in an extreme change from high to low. Again, my Virtual Jeff has low latency even in that scenario but it was not cheap even discounted during a Black Friday sale.
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What's the latency like with the pitch shift pedals? I've got a Donner pitch shifter, it works but the latency can be annoying... but from what I understand it's a fact of life for these kinds of effects.
Check this guy out.
This was the video that made me decide to go with the Drop. He has way more considerations than I will even have to contend with.

Check this guy out.
This was the video that made me decide to go with the Drop. He has way more considerations than I will even have to contend with.

That’s pretty cool. However, 15 milliseconds is a significant amount of latency. Personally, I start to notice anything after 5 ms. But, I’ve been able to adjust to latencies as high as 25 ms. It just takes some getting used to it. Practice makes perfect.
Check this guy out.
This was the video that made me decide to go with the Drop. He has way more considerations than I will even have to contend with.

Thanks, a buddy of mine has one... I may borrow it and see how it compares to the Donner!