need recommendation for a high gain pedal for leads... that costs less than $100


Kick Henry Jackassowski
i'm thinking i'm going to go the used route...

what pedals out there can give me a great liquid lead tone... slightly compressed but can still cut through a mix?

what say ye?
I'm not sure you're going to get all of that from one my rig I'd use my Barber Direct Drive SS pedal..they're about $120 though.
Petrucci's lead tone

I think most of that comes from having a huge rig of Mesa's and processing, though. I'd almost think that if I was going for that I'd play a stack of the Direct Drive, EP Booster and some light delay with my rig.

the Tube Zone might do it if you set it up right.
the Wampler Triple Wreck Distortion might nail it.
the WMD Acoustic Trauma could do it, but that thing is really only for tweakers.
the Black Arts Pharoah fuzz gets highly touted for just about everything.
maybe the Way Huge Fat Sandwich
MI Audio Tubezone
AMT VT Drive
Mesa V-Twin
Shur Riot

The Wampler Triple Wreck sounds like it has a little too much fuzz circuit in the mix in most of the clips I've heard but it does sound like it's capable of some pretty nice saturated tones.

Any of the tasty booteek high gainers are going to be hard to pick up under that 100 buck mark.
If I need a fluidy lead tone, I put the OCD and the Fatboost on at the same time. I'd say you are going to have to stack 2 pedals to get what you want.