yeah in some ways I'm envious of other jobs, those ones where people can work from home or hunker down but at the same time I am damn thankful to have a job to go to everyday and feel grateful. I also know not having to go to a daily job would not be good for me. i dropped out of high school and got a late start in the working (23) because i just bummed it for a while and I definitely am a creature of habit so i think if I had extended time off it would be hard for me to "get back in the game".I'm still working, but we've had 2 reductions in hours in 2 weeks...right now the parts store in in survival mode, just doing enough business to keep the doors open but not enough to keep up...
Stress levels are high due to both the very real probability that I will be laid off, and also the very real probability that, if I haven't been already, I will be exposed to the virus and most likely contract it...I've had pneumonia twice so I'm not too confident in my chances when I do get it...
It also appears that allergy season is going to be especially bad this year...I'm already having stress headaches every day, and now I'm starting to get sore throats and sinus issues from allergies...
For me, being home and bunkering in is where I feel most comfortable...I would do more of it if I could, but I'm in no position to either quit my job or ask for extended time off from it...
I'm starting to slowly stockpile whatever I can for food since the grocery store supply chain seems to have caught back up (except for paper goods) in anticipation of what's to come...
Bout ready to commit murder. Recording vocals at home and apparently my neighbors for the first time ever have morphed into dirt bike enthusiasts. And my lovely wife has rediscovered the joys of running the vacuum.
Beyond this, I’m getting antsy and my omnipresent low grade depression/anxiety/manic energy combo is teaming up with my critical skills to work on a number of scarily possible apocalyptic scenarios that are souring my usually sunny disposition. On the plus side, I’ve regained my pallor and gallows humor is back in style.
Yeah, I have a looking up with some scary apocalyptic dreams myself. Partly because some local guy he was tied up in the whole Bundy Bird preserve standoff thing and pled guilty to federal offenses wants to offer his malicious services in ““assisting”. His Facebook page is a nightmare of assault rifle weirdness. The comments after his photos are horrid. He is not at all like most of us that live here, but he wants to invite his prepper assault rifle douche bag militia types in to show what great guys they are. So yeah, my mind kind of ran away with that possibility.
I have to remember to balance that out with the fact that Allen and Company, an organization that spends a ton of money here in this valley when they bring in their conference and for other events donated several million and by that I mean 6+ million to the local hospital to help out. Yes I wish hospitals were properly funded and everything else without regard to capitalism, but that is for a different thread. I am just glad we have some generous people that love to come here.
So turning that sort of stuff around in my mind tends to mess with me.
Yeah, I have a waking up with some scary apocalyptic dreams myself. Partly because some local guy he was tied up in the whole Bundy Bird preserve standoff thing and pled guilty to federal offenses wants to offer his malicious services in ““assisting”. His Facebook page is a nightmare of assault rifle weirdness. The comments after his photos are horrid. He is not at all like most of us that live here, but he wants to invite his prepper assault rifle douche bag militia types in to show what great guys they are. So yeah, my mind kind of ran away with that possibility.
I have to remember to balance that out with the fact that Allen and Company, an organization that spends a ton of money here in this valley when they bring in their conference and for other events donated several million and by that I mean 6+ million to the local hospital to help out. Yes I wish hospitals were properly funded and everything else without regard to capitalism, but that is for a different thread. I am just glad we have some generous people that love to come here.
So turning that sort of stuff around in my mind tends to mess with me.
Going for a bike ride with my Unabomber look makes me feel better.
I'm enjoying isolation immensely; it suits me. However, my sleep has been colossally fucked up, so there might be something I'm not aware of yet.