"Inappropriate" songs.

you could always teach her my song "Swallow"
I'm sure her folks would love that.

that said, I do think her parents are well within bounds.
though they should have brought it up from the get-go, I s'pose.
Remember, these poor kids were denied the fun of dressing up and trick-or-treating, and had to celebrate "Fall Festival" instead.

I'd be pissed too, but only because the shitty song from the shitty band is shitty...really shitty. There are plenty of wonderful strummy songs that I'd be okay with, but fuck Green Day and their shitty-ness.
Sounds fucking ridiculous. Also, seems like a solid song choice for a beginner level student to play along with and gain a feeling of accomplishment.

People suck.

Yes they do, but generally not as much as this song. Seriously, Green Day is awful.