Give me something to watch on Netflix

I watched Abigail over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Tremendous bloodbath of fun! There's a great dance scene with a song choice I really would never have predicted!

I finished the 2 seasons of Outer Range on Prime. I liked it. It's a modern western like Yellowstone with time travel.
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I too just watched Abigail. It was fun.

The concept was great but I thought that the last act was lazy. Why try to redeem Abigail? She should have been Lazar all along. To try and redeem her they had to remove all logic about how the vampires work. So physical size is more important than age in order to make Frank a threat. Then why did Lambert not just kill her when he was turned. She even commented about how it takes a long time to do the cool vampire shit. Again then, Frank should have been no threat. And why did Lazar turn out to be a clearly much older and more powerful vampire? So age does matter? Lazy.

And all that to give her a redemption arc she doesn't need. She's a badass 300 year old little girl ballerina. She's not Newt.
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I was trying to remember what the effects in Abigail reminded me of. It's Spontaneous. Highly recommended for some very bloody fun!

Same director did No One Will Save You which was also good.
My daughter talked me into watching Girls 5 Eva and I have to say it has some decent laughs. Sort of like a Spinal Tap meets Spice Girls except done silly instead of deadpan. If nothing else, it is worth watching for Tina Fey's Dolly Parton.
I really enjoyed Abigail too. Not as much as I liked Ready or Not, though.

Really bittersweet to see Angus Cloud for the last time.
I have not seen Ready or Not. I watched a few episodes of Euphoria and knew Angus Cloud from that show. Fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines. That’s one heck of a cocktail.
I recently finished constellation and sugar on apple tv+...both had a lot of potential that never really landed.
Atlas has had terrible reviews but its no worse than most big Hollywood action blockbusters, and better than many. I was entertained. And I'm enjoying J-Lo's mid career badass action heroine phase

I've noticed a trend where Netflix (and other streaming services) movies get a rougher ride from the critics if they step on toes of the big studio tent pole pictures. One tip, don't watch it on your phone morons!