Gibson kills Cakewalk

Fender's arrangement with Gretsch is very weird. Fender distributes Gretsch, and apparently they have space at Fender to build guitars.

I’m pretty sure that all the Gretsch guitars are imports. The low cost models are from China and South Korea and the high end models are from Japan.
To me, being killed and being available are not mutually exclusive. Kramer was a premier brand with a broad product line from very high end production guitars to beginner instruments and outsold Gibson and Fender for a short time in the 1980s. Gibson bought the name and made some limited product available but never had any advertising or marketing push behind their version of the brand.

Kramer was dead and gone by they time Gibson bought their name out of bankruptcy in the early 90s.....there was nothing left to ruin cause Kramer already did that to themselves.
Kramer was dead and gone by they time Gibson bought their name out of bankruptcy in the early 90s.....there was nothing left to ruin cause Kramer already did that to themselves.

That's all true but when a huge company buys a name and plans are put in place to market product, it isn't too much to expect a brand resurrection. At least it wasn't in my mind. Gibson proved me wrong.
Fender's arrangement with Gretsch is very weird. Fender distributes Gretsch, and apparently they have space at Fender to build guitars. Whether those are Fender employees, I'm not sure. But the Gretsch company name is still owned by the family. Maybe @ellengtrgrl can chime in on this one.

Yep, Fred Gretsch III owns Gretsch (he bought the [then] remains of the company back in 1989 - the first "new" guitar made under the Gretsch name was the Traveling Wilburys guitar). Since 2003 Fender has been under contract to manage the distribution, and manufacturing of Gretsch guitars. All Gretsch guitars are made overseas (Japan, Korea, China, and India), with the exception of some high end guitars made in the US custom shop.
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Ovation was out in full force at NAMM. They make an 8 string that is just terrible sounding and very challenging to play.


Used to love Cakewalk. (Got it for free, but still, thought it was awesome). Have only used Reaper within the past decade, but it still sucks to lose an option.
Gibson needs to bring back Steinberger :(

At least the all-composite square-bodied model, and a wood-bodied/composite neck GM model. With Trans-Trem.

Those 2 models would sell, there is a market for them, as Strandberg & Kiesel have shown.

Cakewalk, yeah, I don't know of anyone that uses it. They should have tried to sell it, unless they are planning on bringing it back at some point.

Gibson will do a dung on composites for i suppose, the wouldn't even have the $$$ to launch a revival on this absolutely outstanding gear; what a loss.