Slender Hobbit
So in terms of Sustainable Development, Vinyl scores high for natural resources as its raw materials are in virtually unlimited supply, and it scores high for the environment as it is 100 percent recyclable.You are contributing to the destruction of the environment then by purchasing physical media ( btw does it get anymore boomer than having to own physical media). They need to use fossil fuel, etc to get your media made and then shipped to you. When you die it goes to a landfill and takes 100 years to decompose… contaminating the ground water in the process.
Also realize you are a marketers dream ….” Hey guys we know a dude in Chicago who will buy our reissue of a reissue of a reissue even though he owns two other versions without these bonus tracks of Ringo farting into a tin cup”
Can’t say the same about the device you are using to stream or the millions of backend servers that stream the music to you.