Do you miss physical media?

You are contributing to the destruction of the environment then by purchasing physical media ( btw does it get anymore boomer than having to own physical media). They need to use fossil fuel, etc to get your media made and then shipped to you. When you die it goes to a landfill and takes 100 years to decompose… contaminating the ground water in the process.

Also realize you are a marketers dream ….” Hey guys we know a dude in Chicago who will buy our reissue of a reissue of a reissue even though he owns two other versions without these bonus tracks of Ringo farting into a tin cup”
So in terms of Sustainable Development, Vinyl scores high for natural resources as its raw materials are in virtually unlimited supply, and it scores high for the environment as it is 100 percent recyclable.

Can’t say the same about the device you are using to stream or the millions of backend servers that stream the music to you.
Why are you skeptical of owning things that you might want to pass down to your kids? When I inherited my aunts record collection I was over the moon at original Caruso, Cassals and stuff you could never find on any streaming service.
Don’t have kids BUT I know from having a brother and mother that died that the people receiving the dead persons stuff are then faced with going through it all and having to make tough decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of… it can be stressful and heartbreaking. Don’t assume your next of kin will necessarily want your stuff. You might just be handing them a tough decision.
Also by going through some of ny moms stuff (dad still alive so we never really got rid of anything yet) I went through her @treasure drawers” and there’s all kinds of stuff I could never part with cus I know and see it meant something to her to keep it….she has stuff from her mother and father that was sitting in there for a lifetime.
I try to be somewhat of a minimalist so having excess stuff is more a burden than not. It’s the old saying… you can’t take it with you but you can keave it for someone else to deal with. Nd then they can leave it to someone else until eventually it rots away or goes to the dump…..
Or a ms George Harrison said “all things must pass including vinyl and 8 tracks”
So in terms of Sustainable Development, Vinyl scores high for natural resources as its raw materials are in virtually unlimited supply, and it scores high for the environment as it is 100 percent recyclable.

Can’t say the same about the device you are using to stream or the millions of backend servers that stream the music to you.
Problem is that most people with vinyl put it on a computer of some sort anyway unless they have a mobile record player which I don’t think most people have
Problem is that most people with vinyl put it on a computer of some sort anyway unless they have a mobile record player which I don’t think most people have
Or cassette.
Good luck with that pencil 25 years down the road.
I do miss album covers or finding an album with a cool sleeve with bad photos and stuff to read. That was my experience from 6 to 19 years old. Listen to the album, repeat.

Vinyl may be great now but when I switched to all cds it was crap. Switching back at this stage would be silly even though I have a quality stereo.

I have a Apple music subscription and something I have noticed several times is that you will not get a version of the original recording at times. It will be the same album cover and correct date but the song will be an updated version. That bugs me because it’s not the same. There’s a different vibe. It’s not cool going back and changing history no matter how small.
Yes and no.... I love being able to search for an artist or tune, deep dive into some of their stuff, and then buy the full album.... instead of buying it based on some cover art or "dude, Dave said that Joe got a new album from his stister's boyfriend and it was pretty rad."

I don't really miss CDs... they would get scratched or would skip in the car... and most had inferior replications of the cover art, or were too small for good lyric sheets or photos.

I still have a couple hundred pieces of vinyl and have been buying the vinyl copies of my favorite artists. I think more independent bands should provide download codes in their vinyl to download the digital versions of the physical copy, and maybe include a bonus track or live song that isn't on the vinyl or if you download the songs from Apple or Amazon. :baimun:
I'm still primarily physical. The hassles of dealing with streamers swapping out content and editing what's there does not interest me.
I miss my 8-tracks, man. :cry:


Ahh yes...Columbia house. I'll admit that I did that back in the day, and regrettably, I chose 8-tracks instead of vinyl. It was great for my teenage years driving around in my '68 Chevy, but I kinda wish I had all that old stuff on vinyl now. Those 8-tracks are long gone.
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I like to stretch a penny as much as the next guy. At 8 years old, I felt that Columbia deal had to be a rip off. Was it?

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Rip off? Technically.... no.

It was a process... that you got your collection and then they would send you a card every month. You were required to buy a certain number within a year, which wasn't unreasonable or unreasonably priced. (when factored against the 13 or 18 or whatever you were originally sent for $0.01


If you were late with marking "nothing at this time", or getting your real selections in, they would send you the "record of the month" which was based on your original musical choices or genres. Sometimes these were great... sometimes they were shit. Returning the ones you didn't want was a pain in the ass. CANCELLING after you've fulfilled your membership minimums was akin to cancelling a gym membership today. :annoyed:

Needless to say, there were many records or CDs exchanged at second hand music places for pennies on the dollar that people received because they sent their cards in a day late or someone fucked up.

So your experience completely hinged on how many times you shot yourself in the foot or let them fuck you in the ass. :helper:
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No, I don't miss physical media because, I still use it. Using Spotify, etc., sounds like something a hipster would do.