Book list. What are you Weiners reading?

Just finished up "Space Odyssey" by Michael Benson. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 2001 was obviously a game changing movie, and this book gives considerable insight into its making.

Oh, and I started Paul Stanley's "Face the Music". I'm not a kiss fan, but so far this book is quite enjoyable.
If we're not starting a 2025 thread, I just finished the new Randy Newman biography, and am starting a relatively recent Mississippi John Hurt bio.
Recently finished Murakami's The City and Its Uncertain Walls. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles. It definitely kept my attention throughout, and I was totally onboard with its jumping from timeline to timeline, as well as from dream world to real world. However, the ending left me wanting. The author really challenges the concept of a traditional story arc, which I struggle with. But I'm cool with it if the payoff is there--it wasn't.
Recently finished:


Excellent read:



Just finished the Dragonflight, dragonquest and the white dragon (Dragonriders of Pern trilogy) by Ann McCaffery. I read it years ago but saw it in the library and decided to read it again since I didn't quite recall all of it.

Now I'm reading What does this button Do by Bruce Dickinson. I like Iron Maiden and he's a fencer as I used to be too so I thought I'd give some nonfiction a whirl. So far finding his (or his ghost writer :shrug:) style entertaining
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I’m making my way through Alan Moore’s run on Saga of the Swamp Thing. It’s made me lose much of my respect for Neil Gaiman as an author now that I know The Sandman is largely material plagiarized from Tanith Lee and regurgitated in a style blatantly aping Moore. (and there’s the whole other thing with Gaiman but I’m not going to hijack this thread for that).
Just finished reading the Jimmy Carter book on Palestine. I'm reading some short comic sketches - one at the bedside and one in the bathroom:



My pals brother played for Rangers back in the day, literally my childhood dream. Sadly unrealised due to being absolutely shit at football. :embarrassed:

Bobby released a biography last year and my pal got me a signed copy.
Recently finished Murakami's The City and Its Uncertain Walls. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles. It definitely kept my attention throughout, and I was totally onboard with its jumping from timeline to timeline, as well as from dream world to real world. However, the ending left me wanting. The author really challenges the concept of a traditional story arc, which I struggle with. But I'm cool with it if the payoff is there--it wasn't.

Did you ever read the pages omitted from the English translation of The Wind-up Bird Chronicles? They fill in some of the gaps and should be included, IMO.
If we're not starting a 2025 thread, I just finished the new Randy Newman biography, and am starting a relatively recent Mississippi John Hurt bio.
Turns out that Hurt bio is a slog, with pages of census data among other things. Now I'm picking away at a book on Nancy Griffiths songwriting legacy and the NPR Music book on women in music.
I got this cook book… the first couple recipes were kinda shit… one tasted like bad haggis…

… the next one we didn’t finish because of weird noises in the house.

Probably going to check the later chapters and see if there are any good desert recipes. :helper:

I am reading the Tony Hillerman series, which provides characters and storylines for AMC's "Dark Winds".