If you have an iron overload disorder then powders, juices, and cleanses are mostly worthless. But you can easily get iron out of your body by donating blood on a regular basis. In the USA they’ll take blood every eight weeks. If your levels are dangerously high your doctor should prescribe a series of regular theraputic phlebotomies (as often as weekly) to bring your iron and ferritin levels down quickly. Some blood donation clinics charge for theraputic phlebotomies (when they can’t use the blood because the iron/ferritin levels are too high), others do it for free. If your doctor didn’t tell you that then you need to find another doctor (it’s common for doctors to know nothing about iron overload disorders; one guy had two liver transplants and was diagnosed with two mental health disorders before he found a knowledgable doctor). Also, if you aren’t seeing a hematologist you should be. Most oncology clinics have a hematologist on staff. Oncology clinics are busy so you’ll have to play phone tag to get an appointment unless your doctor tells one to have their scheduling person call you.
I have hemochromatosis so I donate blood at least four times a year and my iron levels are fine.
There have been studies into curcumin, a compound found in turmeric as a dietary chelator, but there are other chemicals involved that may increase absorbtion so the jury is still out on that one.