Another muscle car inspired guitar build...the 426 Hemi

The only tough part would be making the tiny period-correct redlines to go on the CNC'd rims :wink:

Dang. How many projects do you have going on right now, @telecaster911 ?

The 426 Hemi
The 454 korina
The mustangduosonicjagmastercaster
The "HX" (single tv jones super tron in candy apple red) see pic


La Cabronita (on hold for now while I work on other things)
Voxy Teardropocaster (almost done)
Koa super strat with roasted maple neck.
2 McFeely HSS, one in alder, one in swamp ash (these are to have a guitar or two in stock. The swamp ash is spoken for)

Hmmm. I think that's it.

Oh wait, 2 set neck Single cuts.

Yea, so 11 guitars in the works.