Mental health check-in

This has rolled on for ages but the interview for my current job being made permanent is on Tuesday morning. I'm a very chilled out guy but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was stressed / anxious about it.

I should be a shoe in I mean I've done a great job in the role for 18 months and the other candidates are all external so I'm the safe pair of hands but it's still stressful, you never know who from up high has a nephew or brother in law with their hat in the ring... I had to join in the walk round yesterday with the other candidates which is a bit ridiculous since I've been here almost a decade but I get the optics are important.

I've had lots of really nice comments and support from my colleagues. Apart from 1 or 2 folk I'm close to, I'm not really one for having "work pals" but it's been nice to have that support and I'm taking that as testament to being a good leader.

I do think I'll get it but if I don't I'll need to have a serious think about what I do next which I suppose is driving the anxiety - my old management role is gone as someone has filled it, I have no desire to go back into full time classroom teaching and it'd be a visceral kick in the balls vote of no confidence from the gaffer unless I have an absolute howler of an interview. Hopefully I don't have to worry about that.
This has rolled on for ages but the interview for my current job being made permanent is on Tuesday morning. I'm a very chilled out guy but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was stressed / anxious about it.

I should be a shoe in I mean I've done a great job in the role for 18 months and the other candidates are all external so I'm the safe pair of hands but it's still stressful, you never know who from up high has a nephew or brother in law with their hat in the ring... I had to join in the walk round yesterday with the other candidates which is a bit ridiculous since I've been here almost a decade but I get the optics are important.

I've had lots of really nice comments and support from my colleagues. Apart from 1 or 2 folk I'm close to, I'm not really one for having "work pals" but it's been nice to have that support and I'm taking that as testament to being a good leader.

I do think I'll get it but if I don't I'll need to have a serious think about what I do next which I suppose is driving the anxiety - my old management role is gone as someone has filled it, I have no desire to go back into full time classroom teaching and it'd be a visceral kick in the balls vote of no confidence from the gaffer unless I have an absolute howler of an interview. Hopefully I don't have to worry about that.
Mojo. They’d be stupid not to pick you. I expect you’ll get it.
Mojo. They’d be stupid not to pick you. I expect you’ll get it.
Thanks man. I'm 90% sure I'll be OK but I sit on interview panels myself and I'm a realist - until I've been told in black and white I'm not assuming it's my job or taking anything for granted.

Our weekly bulletin has gone out and someone is being interviewed on Wednesday (the original slots were all Tuesday) so I'll need to wait for that and I'm out at authority HQ doing some horrendously boring training on Wednesday so I don't know exactly when I'll find out :annoyed:

I'm also DJing up north on Friday then down in England on Saturday so if I do get it I won't even be able to celebrate properly :grin:
I think that went pretty well. I'd be lying if I said I had a restful sleep last night. Gave a good account of myself. I think I nailed 3 of the 4 questions, the other one I probably came in a bit left field with what your usual approach would be but I could use tonnes of real life, in building examples to back my points up.

I should find out early-ish tomorrow morning.
I'm better now that the toilet flushes properly again. I had to run out to buy a toilet auger to clear it up from yesterday morning. And I use a bidet!!! WTH did I eat on Monday???
I'm better now that the toilet flushes properly again. I had to run out to buy a toilet auger to clear it up from yesterday morning. And I use a bidet!!! WTH did I eat on Monday???
You had that problem, too? I asked my kid why he's shitting bricks because I don't actually yell at him. LOL
Thanks guys.

Been a bit of a mad week between this and the actual doing the job that I've still had to keep on top of. Was out at HQ yesterday then visiting schools across the authority this morning so I've had lots of nice e-mails and texts but hadn't been in the building until lunchtime. I got a big cheer in the staffroom when I went to get a coffee :)

I never really expected it because I have done it for a long time but it felt different today - until now it was always colleague Xs job, even after retirement, I was just keeping the desk warm but now it is my job.

Schools are shut tomorrow because of a storm warning so I'm getting to enjoy an unexpected night celebrating watching the football then the traitors with a plethora or random booze :embarrassed:
So, I listened to a book by Marianne Williamson, who put in for President as a Dem during this last pres. election cycle, at the request of my partner, Mollie. The book is about equating God or your higher power with love, and coming at the world from that perspective in all aspects of your life. Now, there are times and places for boundaries, and etc, allowed in it, and it is more about your own state of mind and being. I have struggled with my historical ideas (catholic recover mode, which included very contradictory messages in my case as taught by conservative catholic types and liberal jesuits in contrast) and I do lean on a concept of a higher power. After a stupid argument with Mollie about whether Biden and Harris did enough or were enough while watching Stelma (being aggravated by the voting rights situation) and that argument really bothering me, I am learning through this approach not to argue with people I care about in my law student crossed with lawyer at the bar way that most people don't like, where you try to "win" the conversation/debate. It seems to be calming my soul, brain, heart, etc. With out getting too woo woo or spiritual, that is what I am exploring right now. Doesn't mean I won't go to a march or figure out ways to help in these times. Just I want my presence with myself and my people to be different.
My gran's sister (Great Aunt Joan) passed away on Monday.

She lived through the war. (and everything after it)

She still lived in England but would come up to visit us 20+ years ago and I remember her and my gran at the dinner table at Christmas telling us war stories.

My gran is 95 later in the year so has seen plenty go before her but I called her on Monday and it's the first time I've felt that she was sad rather than stoic about this kind of thing. :(
My gran's sister (Great Aunt Joan) passed away on Monday.

She lived through the war. (and everything after it)

She still lived in England but would come up to visit us 20+ years ago and I remember her and my gran at the dinner table at Christmas telling us war stories.

My gran is 95 later in the year so has seen plenty go before her but I called her on Monday and it's the first time I've felt that she was sad rather than stoic about this kind of thing. :(
:frown::frown: mojo
My gran's sister (Great Aunt Joan) passed away on Monday.

She lived through the war. (and everything after it)

She still lived in England but would come up to visit us 20+ years ago and I remember her and my gran at the dinner table at Christmas telling us war stories.

My gran is 95 later in the year so has seen plenty go before her but I called her on Monday and it's the first time I've felt that she was sad rather than stoic about this kind of thing. :(
Sorry for your loss.
My gran's sister (Great Aunt Joan) passed away on Monday.

She lived through the war. (and everything after it)

She still lived in England but would come up to visit us 20+ years ago and I remember her and my gran at the dinner table at Christmas telling us war stories.

My gran is 95 later in the year so has seen plenty go before her but I called her on Monday and it's the first time I've felt that she was sad rather than stoic about this kind of thing. :(
Sincere condolences. Even though she had a nice long run, such losses and passings are hard. Peace to all.
I had my one on one with my boss last Thursday.
He asked how I was doing and when I described things, he said, “That’s burn-out.”

The thing is that it’s not a full-on, all the time thing. It comes and goes.
Being networking nerds, he described it as “dropping packets” and that’s so damned accurate.

I didn’t see it. I realised I’d hit a wall once in a while, but didn’t think more of it than that.

Anyway, all is well at work. Good performance review.
Busier than ever though.

I need to push away some home projects or pick up an easy one that lets my brain shut down while I’m doing it.
Ugh - another myasthenia gravis flare up. Probably my fifth or sixth in the past year. Fortunately, this time the only issue is that I can't keep my right eye open but I'm not having problems chewing or speaking, which are more concerning to me...
Week of ups and downs.

Aside from the day to day nuts and bolts, my role has a couple of bigger responsibilities that crop up over the course of the year.

I've had a good handle on things, have identified some further tweaks to make next year and passed a big milestone yesterday without any issues so all good on that front - last year was my first in the role and there was definitely a tonne of fake it to make it moments so nice high.

I'm also floored with man flu so I've spent the week feeling like total shit and trying my hardest not to let my poor mood maje me ratty in work. I got pretty close a few times today