Analogman Manufacturing

Fun fact: There's no such thing as a "real specification" for a grey box DOD 250. At that time they were using surplus parts from IBM and the biggest tonal difference seems to be value of the input capacitor, but even then they didn't all have the same op-amps. At least they mostly all have the same pot values, but notice I said "mostly". :messedup: The only difference between a grey and a yellow box is the paint because they were all pretty much inconsistent until the cusp of the mid-'80s.

My Chicago Stompworks, Grey Spec is based on a grey box circuit. So, it’s simply a DOD 250 circuit. Still, it feels great, sounds great, was well built, and a bargain at the sale price.

My Chicago Stompworks, Grey Spec is based on a grey box circuit. So, it’s simply a DOD 250 circuit. Still, it feels great, sounds great, was well built, and a bargain at the sale price.
Oh, definitely a great circuit topology with lots of flexibility depending on component values.
My king of tone arrived today. Sounds awesome. The bad news is the yellow led doesn’t work. Just emailed them, hopefully they don’t put me on a 7 year wait list for support.
My king of tone arrived today. Sounds awesome. The bad news is the yellow led doesn’t work. Just emailed them, hopefully they don’t put me on a 7 year wait list for support.
They seem to have a decent turn around on repair. In this particular case, I think they should let you send it back for a swap, to minimize your wait time.
My king of tone arrived today. Sounds awesome. The bad news is the yellow led doesn’t work. Just emailed them, hopefully they don’t put me on a 7 year wait list for support.
While I certainly don't hear everything that's ever been said I can say that I've not been privy to any complaints about Mike's service. Strikes me as a good dude that takes care of people, so I'm sure you'll be sorted quickly.
Did Mark like/keep his king of tone?

Hey, Mark, what was your take on the King of Tone?

I'll try searching the archives...
Did Mark like/keep his king of tone?

Hey, Mark, what was your take on the King of Tone?

I'll try searching the archives...
It was OK but I didn't fall in love with it so I ended up selling it.

I have almost no pedals anymore since I've moved into the digital stuff although I did keep a few J ROckett pedals like The Dude and an Archer and I still have a TC SPark Mini.
It was OK but I didn't fall in love with it so I ended up selling it.

I have almost no pedals anymore since I've moved into the digital stuff although I did keep a few J ROckett pedals like The Dude and an Archer and I still have a TC SPark Mini.
He plays fast-forward for as long as he can
But he won't need a bed
He's a digital man

Geddy makes those chicken roasters sound great...
If the blue side of the Protein is any indication I’m not really a fan of the BB circuit. At least into a clean pedal platform amp like my Carr.
It’s too clean and too open and not enough compression, and when I crank the gain I don’t care for that either. I have to push it w another gain stage to use it for more than just a clean vol boost at the end for solos.