Bought A Used Pigtronix Rototron Pedal


Stealing Your Riffs
It’s an analog Rotary Speaker Simulator. I bought it to replace my Neo Instruments Mini Vent II.

I’ve used many digital rotary sims over the years. The Mini Vent II was the most accurate and works well with dirt pedals. But, like any digital sim, it’s kinda flat, one dimensional, lacking in depth.

The Rototron was designed by Howard Davis, the same guy who designed the Deluxe Memory Man, Deluxe Electric Mistress, Talking Pedal, Clone Theory, Deluxe Big Muff Pi and many others. It was released in 2014 and made for a few years, then discontinued.

It’s very inspiring to play through. It sounds 3D immersive fed through dual amps. It creates an illusion of spinning movement.

Inspired by the Rototron, I put this stereo FX board together and chained it into the loops of two amps, VHT D-Fifty and VAC Hayseed 15…

Right to left, Rototron > Supra Trem2 > NuX Duotime delay > Zoom MS100BT multifx > Radial Big Shot (to reverse the phase of one amp).
