Your favorite movie with...

According to imdb, he was in 'Tommy' :poke:

I've never seen that, so I'll go with The Departed.

Heck, it looks like I've never seen a lot of the movies he was in. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was pretty good, too. Never seen Mars Attacks!
The Shining and Cuckoo are pretty much tied... with an Honorable Mention for Mars Attacks since I love that movie.

A good one not yet mentioned is Five Easy Pieces, he has a cool nutty character in that one.
While that movie has some serious flaws IMO, Nicholson's character is definitely fantastic.

"That was a UFO winkin' back atcha."
Well the shining and one flew over the cukoo's nest had already been said.

They wouldn't know what to do if they saw a real free man, it would scare the shit out of them