What are your limits for "burritoing" something?


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I have seen spaghetti tacos and have burrito'd many things from chicken salad to pimento cheese.

How do you push the culinary envelope?
I'm kind of traditional with my burritoing. But I don't have a problem with people burritoing however they want to in the privacy of their own homes.
If I'm in the mood for an actual "burrito", then I want it to have something of a Mex/Southwestern focus. (or at least those kind of "accents"- pico or salsa, hot sauce, etc for a breakfast burrito) I want the main ingredients, condiments, and spices to be in the general burrito tradition. Something like chicken salad or spaghetti in a burrito/taco just doesn't sound good to me . Not revolting, but just not that appealing.

I have done "wraps" with stuff like curried chickpeas and spinach and tofu in a flour tortilla. But I wasn't really thinking "mmm, burrito". I was making do with what I had and my lack of pita bread.

"Fusion" can be good but most of the time I like my bread-ish manifestations to share the same several-hundred-mile area as their ingredients.
I see tortillas as a more versatile bread in the sense it can hold stuff in better. So...no limits really.

Spaghetti tacos though....eh....:ack:
My burritofication is usually confined to either tex/mex, breakfast, or sandwich wraps.

But I'm game for trying new things. What else should I burritofy?
My burritofication is usually confined to either tex/mex, breakfast, or sandwich wraps.

But I'm game for trying new things. What else should I burritofy?

Kinda like I mentioned above- I think something like spinach/feta/curried chickpeas can be good wrapped in a flour tortilla. You could throw a little rice or couscous in that too.

I'm fairly traditional. That's was my "after NAMM" burrito last week. It had chicken, pork and beef. I'm still full :embarrassed:

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When I put things other than rice, beans, cheese, meat, grilled veggies... IE typical burrito fare, I don't call it a "burrito" anymore. It's a "wrap".

That said... I've put all kinds of salads, breakfast foods, chili, hummus, and assorted leftovers into a whole wheat tortilla so it would be easy to eat in the car. :helper:
I'll do all kinds of stuff in a "wrap."
Chinese food, oddly enough, is great in a wrap.
That burrito looks about the size of a large human baby.

Bout right. The joke is that after Namm when I go out with my friends I get the "bottom of the menu" burrito. What you can't see under the sauce is the fact that it was deep fried chimichanga style :embarrassed:

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My burritofication is usually confined to either tex/mex, breakfast, or sandwich wraps.

But I'm game for trying new things. What else should I burritofy?

Few weeks ago I got wacky and did some grilled chicken/chorizo/alfredo burritos. Pretty damn good.
Also note that with all of the crappy food I ate last week I still lost two pounds. Namm week is somewhat stressful for me :facepalm:

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I would never burrito a live kitten. :embarrassed:

Actually I'm more into moderate-sized tortillas, and I just put whatever I'm eating on there and fold over. So more like "tacoing."

Some of my favorite tacoing combos are anyting Indian, like tikka masala, curried chickpeas, curried lentils, etc. Also I really like fish and wild rice with a gob of tartar sauce.
Getting away from flour tortillas and "burritoing" more with corn tortillas. Hummus and veggies and the usual Mexican type stuff, chicken/eggs/veggies/hot sauce/beans etc.
When I put things other than rice, beans, cheese, meat, grilled veggies... IE typical burrito fare, I don't call it a "burrito" anymore. It's a "wrap".

Pretty much this - other than the breakfast burrito idea.

My wife handed me a wrap the other day with leftover spaghetti and meatballs in it.
It was great!
The wrap is really just a conveyance mechanism for the contents. Works for me.
I wrapped some leftover pork chop strips with some lettuce and lite ranch in a whole-wheat tortilla last night for my dinner. Not bad, yet not really "out there".