"The thread about being douches so you can go be douches in...

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You're accusing me of scolding people and I have no idea what you're talking about. .... Can you accept that you may have misjudged my intent?

i could go back and start pulling quotes, but that's a waste of my time. everyone (except you) knows to what i refer.

can I accept that I have misjudged your intent? wow.

goodbye Oscar.
no, you're not. you're being asked to drop the persona and just be a contributing forumite. and you've been asked this by the owner of the site. it's not my forum and i'm not a moderator. i'm just telling you what i'm seeing in this thread as related to what i've seen over the past 11 years on GJ.

I'm really not getting why you think I have an internet persona. I think a lot of you have basic confrontation issues. Nobody likes to defend positions around here because it's considered getting riled up.
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