"The thread about being douches so you can go be douches in...

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Is this like the Playland at McDonald's where the kiddies can run rampant whilst not disturbing the serious consumers of Big Mac's?
Is this like the Playland at McDonald's where the kiddies can run rampant whilst not disturbing the serious consumers of Big Mac's?

Thinking this will be where I move the inevitable tastemanship arguments that apparently no on wants to be adult enough to avoid.

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You're all over the place, OGG. Let's see if i can be of service in measuring the douche factor of your assertions.

Jack White sucks.
Also scores high for uncorrectness.

Don't know or care who this fuckin' MAB guy is.
you get points for using an acronym.

Flog and shred are the tools used by tools.
Plus points for a literary device. Minus points for the GJ meme.

The Eagles > whatever shit band you like.
You get points for making the greater than statement. But it does not score high because the logic is sound.

Joe Bonamassa has no soul.
Scores high because your inability to perceive something does not mean it is not there.

Meat truck guys are people too.
No points. Factually correct and also considerate.

Conclusion: you have high potential for douche greatness, but your consistency could use work.
The greatest rock song EVER...

Celtic Frost sucks.

Im thinking about starting a "relic" Reverend bizzy...prices start at $3500. Who wants to get rich?

John 5 rules...new Rob Zombie is off the chaIN!

Star Trek had one thing wrong. In the future, no one will call it "warp speed". The accepted standard will be "Bonamassa Speed"...As in "Sulu! I need Bonamassa speed now, mister!"..."Bonamassa speed engaging, Captain!"
And there you go.
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*suddenly realizes the similarity between a Les Paul body and the original Starship Enterprise... and head asplodes*
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