Shameless Plug ...

Thanks. I'm very interested in your feedback.
I am about 1/3 through it so far. The writing is good, and it would seem you have done a lot of research for the book. You handle a sensitive and disturbing subject in a way that understands behavior without condoning it. I look forward to finishing the book soon.
I just finished the book and left a review on Amazon; it is being reviewed but will most likely be accepted. The subject matter is heavy, but it is a well written book that deals with the subject in a way that promotes understanding. Thanks for letting us know about the book. I am impressed.

It was also nice reading a book that mentions places that are familiar to me. I could tell you were familiar with the locations. I once read a book set in Warren, Massachusetts; it was quite clear that the writer had never been here.
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I just finished the book and left a review on Amazon; it is being reviewed but will most likely be accepted. The subject matter is heavy, but it is a well written book that deals with the subject in a way that promotes understanding. Thanks for letting us know about the book. I am impressed.

It was also nice reading a book that mentions places that are familiar to me. I could tell you were familiar with the locations. I once read a book set in Warren, Massachusetts; it was quite clear that the writer had never been here.
This sounds controversial. Do they normally review reviews? Your review will 'most likely' be accepted?
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They always review reviews. I have never had one rejected, even when written tongue-in-cheek; like the time my cat reviewed the automatic cat feeder.
I just finished the book and left a review on Amazon; it is being reviewed but will most likely be accepted. The subject matter is heavy, but it is a well written book that deals with the subject in a way that promotes understanding. Thanks for letting us know about the book. I am impressed.

It was also nice reading a book that mentions places that are familiar to me. I could tell you were familiar with the locations. I once read a book set in Warren, Massachusetts; it was quite clear that the writer had never been here.

WOW ... thank you, Gary