Horny bag of electric meat
I'm at a point where I'm thinking of getting a pedal amp. I don't like complex stuff. Forget things that I have to program. I really only want a clean sound out of it. I can use a dirt pedal of some type to dirty things up. I will probably use a OD/distortion/fuzz of some type, and 2 to 3 other pedals with it. Maybe a chorus, delay, and phaser or similar. Price is a consideration. And I really only need enough power for a small room... no more than 20 to 50 watts. I have small speaker cabs that I can match amp with. I really just want to carry around one small pedal board and a 1x10 cabinet. Nothing more. Thoughts? Suggestions? The Orange Terror Stamp looks interesting. So does the H&K StompMan. Simplicity is important. I spent my career programming things. I don't want to think to use it. Even a Spark amp was more than I wanted to deal with.