You know, it just occured to me that perhaps Trump's firing of Comey was meant to be an olive branch to the Democrats (misguided as it might be). Maybe Trump realizes that even with a majority in Congress, Republicans are too fragmented to be effective, and after November 2018, it will only get worse. Perhaps he realizes that if anything is to get accomplished, it will be the Democrats that do it.
I'm sure this is giving Trump more credit than due, but could it be possible all of this bungling isn't really bungling, but instead a carefully orchestrated wrangling of the Republican party toward a path of self-destruction? Maybe Trump's long game is to get rid of Republicans who have repeatedly shown they do not negotiate or compromise (McConnell, Ryan, and the teabilly brigade), and get a functioning Congress that he can make deals with. There's nothing stopping him from later claiming that the wall, Muslim ban, and all of the other stupid things were just what the PARTY wanted. And, Trump, being a newbie and all, trusted THEM. See, Trump is a really a good guy. It was the PARTY that made him say and do all that evil stuff.