NPD - my Nurple is Purple!!!!


Habanero Evangelist
I am a fan of BMF pedals! I had a Marc F'n Ford from them a little while ago - which is half Purple Nurple, half Gb Booster. I loved the Nurple side, didn't get much use out of the Boost side, and sold it when I though I was going all modeling, all the time. I get too cranky with tweaking modelers, though, so it's back to a pedal board for me.

So, ordered the Purple Nurple and it has arrived, and it's every bit as glorious as I remember it. Goes from a mild overdrive to a nice thick fuzzy overdrive. Since I've never found a straight-up fuzz that I like for my tone, this hits the spot perfectly for nice and fuzzy without sounding metallic or harsh. It's perfect for me!


And, the current state of my pedalboard rebuild - I need to snag a better power supply, though to be honest the Donner is working well and I don't get any noise - so more for peace of mind regarding reliability. The probable replacement is why my cables aren't neater - will get to that when I'm satisfied that I'm done for a bit. Also, I think the Pure Sky is going to go away - it's a Timmy clone, but it doesn't quite capture the Timmy magic. Then maybe a wah and I should be good for a bit.
