New pedal

Dexter Inferno

Serious error
Just tested this one tonight. I like it a whole lot.
With me abandoning the digital stuff (again) the pedalboard needs a couple of upgrades. Loop switcher incoming tomorrow probably.

Vox in a box. Does what it should. Sounds great imo.
Haven't tried the DI out on it yet, but will eventually.

TC and Ampworx nailed it I think. Having the option of the boost being either pre or post "amp" is a very nice feature. :thu:
Definitely a huge upgrade on the Joyo Ac Tone pedal I had before, which was extremely noisy (and didn't sound half as good to be honest).

I have their JTM45 in a box and, while it’s not as good as my buddy’s booteek Bluesbreaker clone, it’s pretty alright.

I pretty much only need this one for the Queen band, and as long as it gets me fairly close (and it does) I'm happy. Works surprisingly well through the Marshall, but that amp loves all pedals to be fair.
Going to have to test the DI output one of these days, not expecting much from the included IR but it could be a lifesaver someday being that I gig with tube amps these days.
That's interesting. For years I've been looking for a credible AC30 in a box but I've never been really convinced, and re-amping is hugely important to me. That said, if I found one that could do that signature top-end shimmer with a bit of that boxy bark too, I might give it a go. Is it like two channels and a master volume?
That's interesting. For years I've been looking for a credible AC30 in a box but I've never been really convinced, and re-amping is hugely important to me. That said, if I found one that could do that signature top-end shimmer with a bit of that boxy bark too, I might give it a go. Is it like two channels and a master volume?

@Monson It’s pricey, but it’s also got the rep as the most accurate AC30 in a box out there.

@Monson It’s pricey, but it’s also got the rep as the most accurate AC30 in a box out there.

Thanks for sharing! I dig the clean to semi-breakup on the Brilliant channel, and unless they cheated and did some filtering, it doesn't have that excessive and useless low end close-mic cab rumble that some Top Boost simulations tend to have.

To me, the Normal channel + treble booster setting sounded underwhelmingly like a Deacy emulation and impressed me the least, but I'm sure it would be usable in a mix, if it's the harsher type of Brian May tone one is after.

It appears it is not possible to jump the channels which is a shame. I've been using Presonus Ampire for a couple of years and I occasionally combine the Brilliant and the Trem/Vib channels to exploit that early, midrange-y breakup from the latter. The trem effect is pretty subtle, bordering on useless, but you can easily dial in a beefey spy movie tone that way.

For my needs I probably couldn't justify the price, also considering that it's 3/5 the cost of an HX Stomp which can do so much more. I would love to try one though, and that might convince me. If the feel of the Brilliant channel is good, this alone might be worth the $$$.